Thursday 28 April 2016

Sulphur kills Candida

Candida or yeast overgrowth
If you suffer from diverse symptoms like fatigue, gas, bloating and brain fog, you may have an overgrowth of yeast, a fungus commonly known as Candida albicans, in your gut. Candida is present as part of a normal balance of intestinal microflora. Yet, if Candida is allowed to reproduce unchecked, it can create a host of health problems including allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, arthritis and auto-immune disease that are, in part, due to the 180 chemical byproducts of Candida production.
Causes of candida overgrowth Candida overgrowth doesn’t usually occur by itself. It typically happens after using certain medications or from a diet high in sugar. The most common drugs that promote Candida are antibiotics that kill off good and bad bacteria, leaving unoccupied territory for Candida to invade. Birth control pills and cortisone drugs also give a hormonal boost to Candida growth.
Recognizing the symptoms If you think you might have a Candida problem, but aren’t sure, some common questions to ask yourself include:
1. Have you, at any time in your life, taken tetracycline or other “broad spectrum” antibiotics for more than a month?
2. Do you regularly use antacids or anti-hyperacidity drugs?
3. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places?
4. Do you consistently crave sugar?
5. Do you have a feeling of being “drained?”
6. Are you bothered by vaginal (or penile) burning, itching or discharge?
7. Do you suffer from bloating, belching or intestinal gas?
Clearing candida: The solution The most effective way to clear Candida overgrowth and rebalance your system is to starve the yeast by not feeding it simple sugars. Eat a well-balanced diet including plenty of whole foods. Also take probiotics to replace good bacteria and use natural antifungal supplements. With this whole body approach, you can stop the cycle of Candida recurrence. In some cases, it may only take a few months to get things under control. However, you do need to be careful about stimulating Candida to reoccur in the future by avoiding antibiotics and a high sugar diet.
The candida diet Candida loves sugar and simple carbs. Removing sugar, lactose sugar (found in some dairy products), white flour products and alcohol from your diet helps prevent Candida from growing. Don’t worry, there are plenty of other food choices. Here is an overview:
Vegetables including salad greens, steamed greens and raw and cooked root vegetables should make up 60% of your diet. Eat antifungal foods like garlic, onions, ginger, cabbage and broccoli every day.
High protein foods such as chicken, turkey, lamb, beef, salmon, nuts, seeds and eggs should total at least 25% of your diet.
Complex carbohydrates like brown rice, lentils, peas and beans should make up at least 10% of your diet.
Low-glycemic fruit like apples, pears and berries should make up 5% of your diet.
Probiotics Probiotics can help your body reestablish a balance of friendly bacteria in your intestines, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function and increase resistance to infection. Beneficial strains include acidophilus and bifidus. Choose probiotics that guarantee 2 billion live organisms per capsule up to the expiration date.
Digestive enzymes Gastric acid and digestive enzymes from our pancreas are designed to digest food and destroy harmful microorganisms. However, when we eat in a rush, drink an excessive amount of fluid with a meal and are under stress at mealtime, our food may not digest properly. Incompletely digested food molecules can reach our intestines where, instead of being recognized as the building blocks for our body, are absorbed into the bloodstream and act as toxic substances. Digestive enzyme formulas containing betaine hydrochloric acid, pancreatin and cellulase are best to use when fighting Candida.
Antifungal supplements The following supplements can be taken individually or in combination formulas. When treating Candida, it is a good idea to rotate antifungal treatments, since each one works in different ways.
Black walnut is an herb taken from the pit of the black walnut fruit. It has been used as a powerful antifungal and antiparasitic treatment for centuries. Black walnut is commonly used in combination formulas along with wormwood and cloves.
Caprylic acid is a medium chain fatty acid derived from coconut oil that has strong antifungal properties. Take 1,000 mg three times per day.
Colloidal silver is a simple suspension of silver particles in water. It’s effective against hundreds of pathogenic organisms including Candida. It kills Candida by cutting off its oxygen supply. The yeast-killing dosage varies between products. Use as directed.
Garlic’s pungent odor and taste are due to several sulphur-containing compounds that kill Candida on contact. Fresh garlic is very powerful. Extracts, pills and capsules also safely kill yeast.
Grapefruit seed extract is a bitter oil that has countless uses. It is used to fight infections and support the immune system and also as an antifungal treatment. It comes in liquid or capsules. The dosage is about 125 mg three times a day.
Oregano oil has advanced its status from a seasoning in Italian food to a powerful natural antibiotic and antifungal. The average dose for treating Candida is 100 mg three times a day.
Pau d’Arco is an herb from the bark of a tree that inhibits the growth of mold and fungus. Take as a tea, in tincture form or in capsules.
Summary Treating Candida takes a comprehensive approach. You will find that making dietary changes and supplementing with digestive enzymes and probiotics will greatly improve your overall health and can be used on a regular basis. Antifungals will only be necessary until your Candida is under control, which depends on the severity of your symptoms and duration of the problem. Track how you feel. As yeast disappears, so do your symptoms

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