Friday 22 April 2016

Everyone should be checked, babies, children and adults

Atlas Orthogonal

The atlas orthogonal adjustment is one of the most important things you can do for your health.  Everyone should be checked for it.
Dr. Robert Prather
Atlas orthogonal is a special chiropractic technique that utilizes a precise adjusting instrument. This unique adjustment is known for its precision and gentleness, using only three ounces of pressure. It is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and increases the body’s natural healing ability.  It’s a non-force type of adjustment with no twisting or cracking of the neck and back.  In fact, it requires such a light force that patients find it hard to believe anything has been accomplished. They are soon reassured that it has made a difference when their pain and discomfort quickly disappear.
Dr. Robert Prather is  a respected, board certified atlas orthogonist.  He has administered thousands of adjustments to patients from all over the country and is one of only two certified atlas orthogonists in the state of Indiana.
You may have questions about the atlas orthogonal chiropractic technique. After reading the information discussed below, if you have further questions or would like to make an appointment to come in for a consultation, please feel free to contact us.

  • What causes aches and pains in our back, neck, legs, arms, head, and joints?Many of these problems can be associated with the imbalance of the spinal column. The spinal column is a tunnel of interlocking bones called vertebrae that protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is an extension of the brain, together known as the central nervous system. There are spaces between each vertebra allowing nerves, which are extensions of the spinal cord, to supply and connect every part of the human body. Therefore, it is the nervous system that regulates and affects all body functions. When the spinal column is misaligned and out of balance, the nervous system is unable to function as it was intended.Many years of clinical research points to the fact that much of the problem associated with spinal misalignment and its consequences can be associated with the atlas vertebra, the top cervical bone in the neck. This one bone can affect the alignment of the entire spine. The human body is balanced when the head is positioned in the center of the feet.When the atlas is misaligned it causes the head to tilt. The spine then shifts to support the weight of the head, thereby creating biomechanical and postural stresses and strains. When the atlas bone is properly aligned, that is in the orthogonal or neutral position, the rest of the spinal vertebra come into better alignment allowing the body to heal itself.
  • What causes misalignment?
    Trauma in one form or another is the primary cause of misalignment. When the atlas vertebra is subjected to stresses and strains, it may be pushed out of proper alignment. Trauma may include car accidents (no matter how minor and regardless of immediate symptoms), slips and falls, blows to the head or sports related injuries. Repetitive micro traumas, such as bad sleeping habits, poor posture, incorrect lifting, and carrying can also cause misalignment. Besides directly impacting the neck, we can see other effects, such as decreased curves in the neck, scoliosis and changes in the alignment in the shoulders and pelvis. These changes in the alignment affect the structural integrity of the skeletal system. This in turn can result in a host of other symptoms and problems, especially headaches, neck and facial pain.An Atlas Orthogonist treats this condition through a system of examination and diagnosis that utilizes a detailed scientific and biomechanical protocol. Precise measurements of the angle of the atlas are the basis of the treatment.
  • What exactly is an atlas orthogonist?
    The atlas orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, who utilizes a light force method of specifically adjusting the spine. In addition to six or more years of education, the atlas orthogonist undergoes additional extensive training, specializing in correcting spinal misalignment by using the Atlas Orthogonal percussion instrument.
  • How does this unique method differ from general chiropractic care?
    One of the most obvious differences is the gentle, painless way in which an atlas orthogonist works.  No manipulation (twisting or cracking) is ever employed or needed.  Because of the precise X-ray analysis, a correction can be made without any forceful jerking or twisting movements. The atlas orthogonist’s methods require such light touches to the affected area, that patients who may expect a forceful manipulation as part of their treatment, find it hard to believe that anything effective has been accomplished.  Fortunately, their doubts and fears vanish as quickly as their pain and discomfort.
  • What can I expect after my first correction?
    After the first atlas orthogonal spinal correction, you may experience a variety of changes within your body. These are due to the nervous system responding to the structural correction. Symptoms are a positive sign that healing is taking place. In order to heal, the body must go through different cycles of repair, which very often express themselves in some of the following ways:
o Alleviation of symptoms
o Tiredness or sleepiness
o Muscle stiffness/sorenessYou should not be concerned if the pain changes or moves to another area of the body. Symptoms may decrease immediately. However, the amount of misalignment and severity of the condition will determine the recovery time.  Please make the doctor aware of any and all changes.  Remember, pain is a sign that the body is working. ANY changes can be part of the healing process.
  • How long does an adjustment last?
    The accuracy of the procedure affords you longer lasting effects. In many cases, one or two adjustments are usually all that are needed to achieve proven results.  And while the atlas vertebrae can again lose its proper adjustment, for most patients, the procedure results in far fewer visits than most other procedures.  The end result is that atlas orthogonal provides simple, gentle and dramatic results.  This translates into greater relief, better health, fewer office visits and less money spent on additional appointments.
  • How do I maintain my atlas orthogonal spinal correction?
    Patients often ask what holds the spine in place once it has been corrected.  When the head and neck have been re-placed to their natural position, the body will regain its normal balance and relationship to gravity. This will release tension held by the body due to its compensated stressed position.  A relaxed body structure is now more stable and functions more freely.  This, along with some specific instructions about body position, movement and a simple routine of therapeutic stretching exercises, will allow the correction to hold for weeks, months and sometimes even years.
  • What else can atlas orthogonal chiropractic care do?
    Atlas orthogonal spinal corrections can help you and your family resolve pain and suffering and can aid in the healthy growth and development of your children. Precision spinal care can eliminate the need for medication and surgery in many cases. After you have experienced the results of Atlas Orthogonal spinal corrections for yourself, tell someone else about your experience, and help us educate others on the benefits about spinal care.
  • Who can benefit from the atlas orthogonal spinal correction?
    When most people think of chiropractic corrections, they think of neck pain, back pain or muscle aches. The atlas orthogonal spinal correction can help your body work better, no matter what type of health problem you may have. Our clinic is dedicated to correcting the atlas subluxation complex, which is a misalignment of the bone structure of the head and neck. This misalignment can block the communication between your brain and body causing pain, stress and tension. This stress and tension can affect all physical and even mental activity of the body. Many symptoms can be relieved by correction of the atlas subluxation complex. We have had positive results with such conditions as:
    • Allergies
    • Arthritis
    • Asthma
    • Athletic injuries
    • Auto accident injuries
    • Bell’s Palsy
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome
    • Chronic pain or stress
    • Dizziness
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Herniated discs
    • Horner’s Syndrome
    • Leg and arm numbness
    • Migraines and other headaches
    • Neck and back pain
    • Sciatica
    • Scoliosis
    • Seizures, including Epileptic
    Sinus problems
    • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • How do I know if I’m an atlas orthogonal candidate?
    The Doctor renders an extensive evaluation of your condition on the first visit. A complete and thorough history is critical in aiding the Doctor in the proper diagnosis. This history includes asking a variety of questions pertaining to every aspect of your symptoms and injuries. The exam also includes orthopedic/neurologic and postural assessment of imbalances in the spine that would lead to problems with the health of the spine and its related symptoms and pain. The first step of the diagnosis is to determine the degree in which the atlas is misaligned.Very precise x-rays are taken which show the doctor exactly how the atlas is displaced. The x-rays taken are invaluable in making the most precise atlas correction, which is as unique to the patient as their own fingerprint. Following the diagnosis a specific treatment protocol is developed to align the atlas into the correct neutral/orthogonal position. To see is to know, to not see is to guess. An atlas orthogonist will NEVER guess about your health. That’s why he has extensive X-ray training and will never require X-ray studies, which are not vital to the diagnosis and treatment of your condition

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