CSF Leaks and Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
F Michaels
Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (SIH) is a condition where a patient gets postural headaches due to a leak of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) in the spinal membrane. (1) What happens is that the leak causes low CSF pressure within the nervous system, and thus causes a constant string of headaches to the patient. The problem with SIH is that it is very hard to diagnose and there is not a great deal of information on why it occurs. In 1995, a study showed that only one in fifty-thousand people in Minnesota had SIH. It also showed that SIH was more common in women than in men, and that the condition usually developed while the patient was between 40 and 60 years old. (5) When first researching this condition, my two main questions were: Why does it develop and can it be cured? In order to answer these questions, one must first examine how CSF runs through the body and the specific symptoms of SIH.Cerebrospinal Fluid is formed in ventricles of the brain. It moves through the ventricles and leaves the brain at the base, underneath the cerebellum.(2) Then, the fluid moves into the spinal cord and the nerves, and finally returns to the brain. Throughout this time, the CSF is moving through a membrane, called the dura that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The condition of Intracranial Hypotension (IH) develops when a rupture occurs in the membrane. Thus, the CSF leaks out of the dura, causing a dislocation of the brain downward and "pressure on pain-sensitive structures."(5) IH can develop as a result of brain surgery, spinal surgery, or any major trauma to the head. (3) However, as in the case of SIH, the rupture can sometimes occur spontaneously. In other words, there is no known cause for the rip in the dura. Some doctors speculate that the spontaneous tear is due to the initial weakness of the dura, or a traumatic event that went undetected; however there is not a great deal of information on this subject.(5)
The principal symptom of Spontaneous CSF leaks is headaches. The headaches only occur when the patient is upright, and gradually disappear when the patient is lying down. In most cases, the headaches gradually increase from the moment the patient wakes up in the morning. However, in other cases the headaches are quick and severe. The acuteness of the headaches varies in each case, which affects how quickly the condition is diagnosed. Some of the related symptoms of SIH are a loss of hearing, tinnitus, vertigo, stiffness of the neck, nausea, and even vomiting.(5)
Since the primary symptom of SIH is constant and severe headaches, it is often misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis can increase the painful treatment for other conditions that imitate SIH (such as Chiari malformation) as well as the possibility for early treatment. In a study done by Dr. Wouter I. Schievink between 2001 and 2002, he found that 94% of patients who had SIH were initially misdiagnosed when they visited a doctor about their symptoms.(4) Some of the common treatments due to misdiagnosis included craniotomies (surgical incisions in the skull) and cerebral arteriographies (a procedure that uses an injection of dye and x-ray images to examine arteries in the brain). More than half the number of cases of SIH has been reported in the last decade.(5) Therefore, because SIH is so often misdiagnosed, it is not likely that there has been a drastic increase of the condition, but rather that more cases of it are being correctly diagnosed.
In some cases of SIH, the condition disappears as spontaneously as it appeared. Mild cases can be cured through a general increase in fluids, especially caffeine, and lots of rest. However, more serious cases will require a procedure called the epidural blood patch. This is a procedure where autologous blood is injected into the patient's lumbar spine. The blood travels through the spinal cord, finds the rupture in the dura, and clots the rupture. Success of the epidural blood patch in patients with IH can usually be determined immediately after the procedure. If it is not successful, the procedure can be repeated several times with a larger amount of blood injected (no more than 30 ml) and in many cases can lead to a permanent closing of the torn dura. (5)
However, in more severe cases of Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension, the epidural blood patches that are injected into the lumbar spine are ineffective. At this point, an effort to locate the exact position of the rupture in the membrane can be made and then another epidural blood patch may be performed at that location.(5) This location-specific procedure is more effective than a regular epidural blood patch, and should cure the condition. However, there are a few cases where even this procedure is not successful. Further procedures to resolve the issue include an injection of fibrin glue into the specific location of the rupture and (in the most persistent cases) even surgery, both of which seem to cure the condition.(5)
In conclusion, Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension is a very rare type of a Cerebrospinal Fluid leak, but unlike other types, it does not occur due to any specific traumatic event or surgical procedure in the nervous system. Although there is not much information on the possible causes of SIH, it is suspected that an intrinsic weakness of the spinal membrane or an abnormality of the brain structure causes the rare condition. The symptoms of SIH are so small and so common, that it can often be misdiagnosed. Therefore, the condition of SIH, although thought to be very rare, is probably more likely than one might think. So how can someone prevent SIH? Is there anything a person cando to prevent the rupture of the dura? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer because very little information exists as to the primary cause of the tear. All one can really do is avoid brain surgery or any head trauma that could trigger the onset of regular IH. Hopefully, as more observations are gathered about Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension, the causes of it will be identified and the ways to help prevent it will become more apparent.
1)Abstract of two cases by T.A. Rando and R.A. Fishman, general information on SIH2)Discovery Health: CSF leak, general information on Cerebrospinal Fluid leaks
3)University of Maryland Medical Center, general information on Cerebrospinal Fluid leaks
4)Archives of Neurology, Abstract of a study on the Misdiagnosis of SIH
5)Medscape: Spontaneous CSF leaks, A review by Dr. Wouter I. Schievink
08/31/2005, from a Reader on the Web I have had this exact problem. It started in February 2004 and I have had it and the really bad headaches since then. Just recently, my headaches has subsided. A little background: I woke up one day in February 2004 with a excruciating headache. I went to numerous doctors and they all said it was migraine headaches. They gave me many different pain killers and nothing worked. Finally I went to a neurologist. After giving him my simptons, he said "let's check your spinal fluid." He then proceded to put a big needle in my back to check and have my spinal fluid analyzed. He got very little out of my back. He had a lab run some test, but everything came up negative. He gave me some pain killers, that did not work and then that was it. So I went to this other neurologist and he said that he had a patient two months prior that had the same condition and we should try a blood patch. Did that and that did not work, he had me try it again and that did not work. He then suggest that I check into the hospital and run a boat load of tests. He then consulted with another doctor and with all the different tests (MRI, Cat scans, etc) noticed that I had holes in the back of my neck. Both doctors decided that I would stay in the hospital and have my spinal fluid drained every hour and lay flat in the hospital bed to see if the dura would close. After a week and a half in the hospital, they did another test and some of the tear closed but I still had some still torn. (Mind you, I had many tears in the back of my neck and slightly down my spine). I was released from the hospital with the same headaches and continued to live with them until this day, though less severe. When I read your piece on spontaneous leaks, I could not believe that I am not the only one out there that has this problem! THANK YOU!!! I don't know what caused my leakes, I have had no trauma, nothing so I am at a loss. I would love to be able to talk to someone about my case and maybe sent my doctor's and hospital's records to you to put in your database to help other people. Lastly, I just read an short article about the actor George Clooney that had the same thing. I would be great to here more on this subject. I a wait your response. Sandra 11/10/2005, from a Reader on the Web I had a Sponaneous Spinal Fluid Leak in 2003 for which I finally received a blood patch procedure after suffering for 3 weeks through countless tests. I have tinnitus as a result of this condition which began 2 weeks after the initial spinal headache. I was wondering if any one else has this same problem. Its very hard to find information on this since Spontaneous Leaks are so rare (1 in 50,000). I would appreciate learning more about this. 12/30/2005, from a Reader on the Web Comment on the article on CSF leaks and hoping the person who posted a comment will read this one, or perhaps someone at Serendip could forward it to him/her. No, you are not alone with suffering a CSF leak and yes, they can be very hard to find and fix. Here's the link to a discussion community of fellow sufferers and those who suspect they have a leak and don't know. There are a lot of great resources here to help you go back to your Dr's and get more help. Two blood patches is often just the beginning of treatment, not the end, but many neurologists are not up on their reading on this rare problem and don't know what else can be done, or perhaps have never done it themselves and don't want to refer you..... http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=118 Pam Bryan |
Additional comments made prior to 2007
I also have intracranial hypotension from two epidural shots for a lumbar disc problem. The back problem is not so bad anymore but I still suffer from moderate to severe head pressure 24/7. For two years I was bedridden with this terrible ailment, unable to stand along with many of the cranial nerve side effects (double vision, nausea, radicular neuropathy). Three blood patches failed to help....slowly over time I was able to do more. Myelograms and cisternographies have not been able to see my leak, though my spinal pressure was measured twice to be low, as well as my brain mris showing enhancement. Though I am functional again I still have many restrictions including exercise (frustraing as an ex-athlete). I'm also a licensed nutritonist and your paper touches on some interesting points....why doesn't the dura heal? The biggest obstacle with this conditon is the difficulty with diagnosis because most doctors believe the dura must heal in x amount of time and. So to accept that this doesn't occur with everyone is one problem and then why it isn't healing is another. I wonder if certain fundamental factors are missing relating to connective tissue. Not necessarily one of the conventional connective tissue disorders but something missing or interfering with attaining adequate amino acids to fully optimize connective tissue sythesis/regeneration. At any rate, this can be an unbelievably debilitating condition....check out Mass General Hospital's neurology department's...brain forum and look under csf leak diagnosis and you will see it is more common than perhaps once thought. Plus these headaches are so not like migraine, although it is not uncommon for migraines to develop on top of them. These headaches/pressure are all about physics...an intense pulling sensation..like G-forces pulling your head down. I'm praying for more research....maybe better imaging to find smaller leaks. Many thanks for your paper ... Cindy, 4 February 2006
It's wonderful to read the comments from others who have suffered with spinal leaks. I too went misdiagnosed for well over a year. I was told my headaches were caused by stress, menapause or even migranes. It was just one year ago that the pain became unbearable and my doctor now thought it was meningitis. I was put in the hospital and a neurologist found my leak. Although my surgery was to take place in another hospital, it was postponed because I had seizured. I was put into a medically induced coma so I could be stablized. I had never had a seizure in my life and it was believed that it was brought on by the extreme loss of fluid. My leak was at the base of my spine. After an extended hospital stay and complications, I am now happy to say I am cured. I have not had even the slightest headache in one year and hope I never do ... Julie L, 7 April 2006
My husband started w/ severe fatigue approx 4. months ago. The fatigue lessened,but he began having chronic headaches.He has had a headache now for about 3 months. Spinal tap results came back as low pressure and high protein. He seems to think it is a low pressure headache. This is all new to us. We have never heard of such a thing. Apparently there are more of you out there who suffer from this. We would love to hear from anyone experiencing the same thing. He did have a blood patch today. Waiting to see if it helps. Thanks for that great article. Very good and informitive ... Lisa, 15 August 2006
REGARDING SPONTANEOUS INTRACRANIAL HYPOTENSION I am a 36yo female I have had this condition also on july 19 2006 I went to bed with a bad headache and woke up the next morning with sore shoulders and neck when I tried to get up I suffered the most excruciating pain in my neck and head it was so bad I wanted to vomit . When I visited the local hospital the doctor gave me panadol and sent me home without doing any tests. After 3 days of getting worse I went back to my doctor by this time I could barely walk because the pain was so severe the doctor sent me over for a cat scan which they picked up immediatley as some kind of fluid on my brain . After that I was flown by Royal Flying Doctor to Perth . While there I had 2 MRI one on my brain and the other on my spine after the spinal one they picked up that I had a leak in my spine. I just want to tell any one out there who has had or does have this condition that I really feel for you because it's such a traumatic illness and no one has any idea how painful it is also anyone who is suffering pain in the head so bad please demand you have a cat scan ... Deanne, 26 September 2006
I am just three weeks out of having a disctectomy done. The week prior to that I received an epideral to try amd fix the blown disc that I had. Is there anyway to minimize the pan of the headaches? I am being admitted into the hospital again on Monday to now correct the spinal fluid leakage problem. Does anyone have any suggestios concerning this matter or that can supply me with any kind of information? ... Heather, 22 November 2006
I would like to talk to others who are suffering from spinal fluid leaks. Can you help put me in touch? Or, can I talk to you? ... Brad Hennenfent, 22 January 2007
I read the article on Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension and felt compelled to share my experience with this condition, which is still unresolved but hopefully soon to be treated. I should preface this by saying that I have never had injury or trauma to the head or spine. I developed a headache a little over two weeks ago that was very migraine-like except that none of the pain relievers I tried got rid of it entirely, it originates at the base of the skull and spreads forward, and it's relieved within five minutes of lying down. Also, after five days of the headache, I began to have a feeling of congestion in my ears accompanied by a soft rushing sound, followed by mild hearing loss. The first doctor I saw in Urgent Care gave me some migraine medicine; the second ordered a CT scan; the third ordered a brain MRI and had me see a neurologist; the neurologist saw a report of the MRI that indicated enlarged ventricles, thought I might have hydrocephalus and referred me to a neurosurgeon for another opinion (the neurologist also prescribed Diamox, a diuretic - yikes!); the neurosurgeon looked at my MRI and thought I had a Chiari malformation, but wanted a second opinion so he had me see another neurosurgeon; the second neurosurgeon made the diagnosis of intracranial hypotension and ordered a lumbar MRI to see if they could detect a CSF leak. My dilated ventricles caused a lot of confusion because that's not usually consistent with SIH, but it was eventually concluded that I've probably had hydrocephalus all my life but have never had symptoms, and that the hydrocephalus is not what's causing my current problems. The next step was supposed to be a tracer study to try to identify a leak and its location. Well, my concerned husband got tired of all the shuffling and waiting around among our local doctors, so he took me up to Stanford (about an hour's drive) and checked me in to the ER; as you can imagine, we got much farther much faster by doing that. Stanford neurologists agreed with the diagnosis and have arranged for a blood patch next week -- no messing around with a tracer study. The blood patch will be injected and then my head will be lowered so that the blood coats the entire inside of the dura along the spine, with the assumption that if there's a leak somewhere along there, it will be plugged up. Let's hope it works!!! ... Larisa, 25 March 2007
One morning in Oct. 06 I woke up with severe headaches and after 6 weeks of working up the ladder at my HMO, a neurologist finally diagnosed me with CSF leak (SIH). Not content to being mollified by being put on Prozac, I did some cursory research on the net and found out that others had what I had and found that some had been referred to Dr. Schievink at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles for treatment. These can include blood patches, glue patches and surgery. His staff is very familiar with the disease and he is "the" expert.
My HMO refused to send me to him (right down the street in my case) the cost you know, until I developed large subdural hematomas. At that point they had no choice but to refer me because it was totally out of their realm to effectively treat the underlying cause, the CSF leak, or the subdurals.
A long story short--after 2 blood patches, 1 glue patch and 2 spinal surgeries(laminectomies)at T9-11 to remove benign Tarlov cysts, to repair 2 leaks, I can now function quite nicely. I have a 20 lb. lifting limit, can't hike up steep hills, and can't push or pull on heavy objects. These modified "val salva" maneuvers, I have learned, will cause undectable (on a CT myleogram) leaks. They come and go because I will still get positional headaches at times. At my last reading my CSF pressure is ZERO.(0) cm.
I'm very fortunate at 60 years old to be retired and thank God every day for the wonderful treatment I have recieved. I think mine was a severe case, I use to do a lot of physical work and ran for 25 yrs and maybe those were contributing factors ... Harvey Geiss, 16 July 2007
I had a spontaneous CSF leak in Nov 2004. After weeks of being told I had migrains, I was sent to a neurologist. He immediatly knew it was a CSF leak and put me on bedrest. After 6 weeks on bed rest, I still had bad headaches everytime I stood up. I then had a test to show where the hole was and they could not find it. I went to a different hospital and asked if we could do the test standing up because that was when I had my pain, and they said their machines can't go up that far. So I asked if they could do it with me on my knees, and they said yes. With in minutes they saw a large tear at C7. After two blood patches my major headaches are gone. From day one, to the last blood patch it was 4 months of bed rest! Yuck! Now I am living my life wondering if this will happen again, and taking Neurontin for these annoying daily headaches. Scary stuff! ... Elizabeth Kilik, 11 October 2007
Reading article and reader comments on intracranial hypotension. I've suffered over past 15 years from initially intracranial hypotension and flipped at some point to intracranial hypertension (or pseudotumor cerebri)! Living in Cleveland, OH diagnosis ranged from CSF leak to Chiari Malformation to POTS to migraine headaches. I ended up at Mayo Clinic where intracranial hypertension was diagnosed JUly 2007. Mayo has some of the leading experts on this area of neurology in the country. Medication was tried for a short while and in August 2007 a VP Shunt was placed to releive the hypertension. Almost 9 weeks after surgery some headache symptoms arise mid-day when I'm upright- started irregularly a few weeks ago now more of a daily occurance, including one episode of nausea and vomiting. I'm following up back at Mayo Clinic in 1 week. Looking for anyone with similar experiences, resolution of symptoms, and return to normal family and work life ... Robert Schneider, 22 October 2007

csf leak
Submitted by betty-Lu (guest) on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 9:48am.
I have just read your story about csf leaks. I had a spontaneous csf leak in April,2010 and am still suffering from headaches even though I had a blood patch. I was wondering if you found a good doctor in toronto.I live in Brampton
I have just read your story about csf leaks. I had a spontaneous csf leak in April,2010 and am still suffering from headaches even though I had a blood patch. I was wondering if you found a good doctor in toronto.I live in Brampton

Bless your heart Mike. I
Submitted by Jennifer (guest) on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 6:31pm.
Bless your heart Mike. I suffered from spontaneous intracranial hypertension for a month.
It was the most horrible pain ever. There is a doctor at Cedar Sinai (Schievk) He publishes alot on this disease. Get ahold of him. Also it doesn't matter where they do the blood patch, it doesn't have to be at the level of the leak. Research shows the patches are effective anywhere along the spinal process. Also there is a spontaneous intracranial hypotension page on facebook. The people on there can direct you where to get help. Wishing you the best. Jen
It was the most horrible pain ever. There is a doctor at Cedar Sinai (Schievk) He publishes alot on this disease. Get ahold of him. Also it doesn't matter where they do the blood patch, it doesn't have to be at the level of the leak. Research shows the patches are effective anywhere along the spinal process. Also there is a spontaneous intracranial hypotension page on facebook. The people on there can direct you where to get help. Wishing you the best. Jen
Bless your heart Mike
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 8:53pm.
We have taken our daughter who has suffered from CSF leaks caused by benign cysts to Dr. Wouter Schievink at Cedars Sinai. DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO GET TO HIM!!! He is a wonderful skillful doctor. Our daughter is 23 and has had many days where she has wished to die. We know what you are going through. BTW, Continental Airlines has the best service for wheelchair passengers, and the Crowne Plaza Beverly Hills (Part of the Holiday Inn Hotel group) is quite close to Cedars Sinai, and hae a "quiet" floor for patients. Our prayers are with you. DON'T GIVE UP!

Reply to comment-Mike
Submitted by Sabrina (guest) on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 2:01pm.
Just read your post and I'm wondering how your presently feeling and if you made it to Cali to see Dr.Schievink? I had 2 blood patches, the first didn't work. A confident physician felt he could perform a blood patch up high(note:this was the first one he did that high), needless to say it didn't go well, I ended up coding on the table and they called a code blue for me. After being releeased from the hospital I was sent to Philadelphia Pa at which point they told me there was nothing they could do for me and that I would have to live with this pain, I was devistated and had no hope. I made the decision right then and there that I couldn't live my life with that pain.When I got back home I recieved a call from the Jeffeson headache center in Phily referring me to the well known Dr. Wouter Schievink at Cedars Sinai. I was flown (via air ambulance) from Pa to Cedar Sinai 4 times for them to perform blood patches on me. My tears were bilaterally at multi-levels C5-T2. I overdosed trying to end my life after the 6th blood patch was not permanently successful, they were all only temporary fixes. I completely understand what you're going through. After the overdose, they flew me right out to LA at which point they did repeat scans and finally did the surgey. I do not have the positional headache anymore, but I continue to have other symptoms and at times it is frustrating to deal with. I really had to learn how to alter my lifestyle to my disease. I will never be active like I once was and that is very hurtful and down right depressing at times but I thank god that I'm not pushing daises, instead I smell them and look for the positive in every new day and know that I can walk and talk as well as be somewhat sufficient,it could be worse. Schievink is a phenominal surgeon, an angel. My case worker was terrific as well, she jumped through hoops to make sure everything was authorized and that she recieved all letters of medical neccesity in a timely mannor to try and facilitate getting me taken care of. I pray you have a support system,family,friends,caseworkers,ministry etc to help you. it is soooo very important! I coded 3 times from 2005 to present and am still here, I wasen't sure why until yesterday when I came upon this site. Perhaps it's to share my story,and help others like yourself. I see the date you wrote the post and hope that from then to the present you have found help. If I can be of some help please don't hesitate ask. Take care of yourself
Just read your post and I'm wondering how your presently feeling and if you made it to Cali to see Dr.Schievink? I had 2 blood patches, the first didn't work. A confident physician felt he could perform a blood patch up high(note:this was the first one he did that high), needless to say it didn't go well, I ended up coding on the table and they called a code blue for me. After being releeased from the hospital I was sent to Philadelphia Pa at which point they told me there was nothing they could do for me and that I would have to live with this pain, I was devistated and had no hope. I made the decision right then and there that I couldn't live my life with that pain.When I got back home I recieved a call from the Jeffeson headache center in Phily referring me to the well known Dr. Wouter Schievink at Cedars Sinai. I was flown (via air ambulance) from Pa to Cedar Sinai 4 times for them to perform blood patches on me. My tears were bilaterally at multi-levels C5-T2. I overdosed trying to end my life after the 6th blood patch was not permanently successful, they were all only temporary fixes. I completely understand what you're going through. After the overdose, they flew me right out to LA at which point they did repeat scans and finally did the surgey. I do not have the positional headache anymore, but I continue to have other symptoms and at times it is frustrating to deal with. I really had to learn how to alter my lifestyle to my disease. I will never be active like I once was and that is very hurtful and down right depressing at times but I thank god that I'm not pushing daises, instead I smell them and look for the positive in every new day and know that I can walk and talk as well as be somewhat sufficient,it could be worse. Schievink is a phenominal surgeon, an angel. My case worker was terrific as well, she jumped through hoops to make sure everything was authorized and that she recieved all letters of medical neccesity in a timely mannor to try and facilitate getting me taken care of. I pray you have a support system,family,friends,caseworkers,ministry etc to help you. it is soooo very important! I coded 3 times from 2005 to present and am still here, I wasen't sure why until yesterday when I came upon this site. Perhaps it's to share my story,and help others like yourself. I see the date you wrote the post and hope that from then to the present you have found help. If I can be of some help please don't hesitate ask. Take care of yourself

20% cfs fluid on the back of my brain
Submitted by Mark (guest) on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 11:19am.
I'm 37 y.o. and since April have had 2 surgeries for chiari malformation. After my second surgery in June I was down sick for a Month and lost 53Lbs the doctor then did a Mri and found I had fluid on the back of my brain and put me in the hospital for 9 days to drain it down and see if the leak would stop. I'm still having headaches and have pressure on the back of my head. The Dr did another Mri and found 20% fluid on the back of my head and told me thats good and there is nothing more he can do for me. I'm thinking about going to another Dr to see what they say, I know I can't live with these headaches and pain, and there should be something that can be done.
Does anyone have the answer for my problem, is this fluid dangerous to have fluid on the brain know matter how much is there?
Does anyone have the answer for my problem, is this fluid dangerous to have fluid on the brain know matter how much is there?

chiari malformation
Submitted by Dee (guest) on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 12:32am.
Hi Mark. I had surgery for chiari malformation too. I had a leak and then surgery to find the leak. Leak was not found. My mri shows alittle fluid back there too. Funny,after 2 neurosurgeons, they said the same thing, nothing else for me to do. Its debilitating to say the least. I am in so much pain. Out of work. Even laying down is still painful. So much pain in my ears, head, eyes, neck, shoulders. I am looking for help as well and do not know where to go. Im at my ends. Ive been through 13 doctors in the last year. What's your thought on Chiari Institute on New York? I'm on a waiting list for Mayo, but have read so many good and bad stories. Im scared. Life has just been tugged from us. Praying, and talking to as many people as you can I guess. We're all trying to help each other. Some people don't understand. They think we're exagerating. 2 brains are better than one?

Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sat, 10/23/2010 - 10:43am.
I read your story. Please give Princeton Brain & Spine Care
a call. www.princetonbrainandspine.com
Dr. McLaughton is the best! He is a hidden weapon.
a call. www.princetonbrainandspine.com
Dr. McLaughton is the best! He is a hidden weapon.

spinal fluid leak
Submitted by Donald Wisniewski (guest) on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 8:12pm.
Ido not know if I have the same problem as you my ent says Ihave a tear in the tube that carries spinal fluid in my head. It has been leaking a couple years. the ent says Ineed surgery he cuts ahole in my head above the ear. Lifts the brain finds the leak puts a patch on it. he said sucess rate is about 90%

Please let us know the results
Submitted by ann (guest) on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 3:46pm.
Donald, if you find a good surgeon, and the repair job works, would you be so kind as to post his or her contact details?

Spinal Fluid Leak ...Donald Wisniewski
Submitted by Craig Mims (guest) on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 10:05pm.
Don...do you have a brother named Gene in Caldwell ? I had the same procedure as you describe in 96. give me a shout to discuss. Craig

cfs leak
Submitted by Donald Wisniewski (guest) on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 12:46pm.
Craig I am in Illinois no relatives in Caldwell. What can you tell me about your procedure?

CSF Leak
Submitted by Craig Mims (guest) on Mon, 09/13/2010 - 11:58am.
Hey Don, sorry for the delay writing this..been a bit busy. I had spinal fluid running out my nose in 95, ..send me your email address and will go over it with you there...reach me at, and you will like this email address...it is a good address by the way...craig @ craniumjuice.com

Healthy Functioning
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 11:46am.
Dear Mike,
The problem is in our society one has to function. No provision is made for unexpected illness. It is especially annihilating when you run from doctor to doctor expecting answers and do not receive them.
In my own personal experience I found that friends and family expect I will get better. They also convey sublimally there is a right to be healthy.
I have found that my csf leakage problem (bilateral dura defects and bony defect of the skull base) may never be solved. I have to learn to live with it which is so much easier said than done. But the pressure from family and friends to find the cure or the treatment which will work puts me under such great pressure.
I will get to the point: I agree with the person who suggested anti-depressants. You have been given a difficult hand to deal with and it is no wonder you are depressed, in pain and at the point of not wanting to live any longer if the situation continues.
However, with proper pain medication perhaps your situation can become more bearable??? I don't know.....
But please do look into getting some support through anti-depressants. I think it is worth a shot. You are suffering enough. You do not need to bear the weight of the depression, too.
Sometimes you have to try a few different meds before finding the one that will work for you.
Please give it try.
p.s. On facebook there is also a CSF blog....you can find some support there as well
The problem is in our society one has to function. No provision is made for unexpected illness. It is especially annihilating when you run from doctor to doctor expecting answers and do not receive them.
In my own personal experience I found that friends and family expect I will get better. They also convey sublimally there is a right to be healthy.
I have found that my csf leakage problem (bilateral dura defects and bony defect of the skull base) may never be solved. I have to learn to live with it which is so much easier said than done. But the pressure from family and friends to find the cure or the treatment which will work puts me under such great pressure.
I will get to the point: I agree with the person who suggested anti-depressants. You have been given a difficult hand to deal with and it is no wonder you are depressed, in pain and at the point of not wanting to live any longer if the situation continues.
However, with proper pain medication perhaps your situation can become more bearable??? I don't know.....
But please do look into getting some support through anti-depressants. I think it is worth a shot. You are suffering enough. You do not need to bear the weight of the depression, too.
Sometimes you have to try a few different meds before finding the one that will work for you.
Please give it try.
p.s. On facebook there is also a CSF blog....you can find some support there as well

facebook blog
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Tue, 06/25/2013 - 10:31pm.
Can someone share the facebook link with me. Newly diagnosed and I thought I was the only one out there. I have been looking for months for ppl like me.

Mike, You need to contact Dr.
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 1:18pm.
You need to contact Dr. Wouter Schievink at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, California. He is the world expert on csf leaks ("low-pressure headaches") and he can help you. If you can send your records to him, he will call you back with a phone consult.
Also, there is a support/information board for csf leaks called "Brain Talk Communities" where you will get extremely valuable information.
You need to contact Dr. Wouter Schievink at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, California. He is the world expert on csf leaks ("low-pressure headaches") and he can help you. If you can send your records to him, he will call you back with a phone consult.
Also, there is a support/information board for csf leaks called "Brain Talk Communities" where you will get extremely valuable information.

World Expert
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 11:35am.
I did not realize that a world expert exists!! Yipee!!!
I will be contacting him.
Mike, I know where you are coming from with the finances. If you cannot afford to earn your living, and were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth things get pretty grim being out of work. It turns into a downward spiral and gets worse and worse.
The good news is: you can send the documents to the doctor and wait to hear what he has to say.
I know even that can be insurmountable, simply getting the files together and getting to the post office.
Is there anyone you can ask to do you a favor?
I know I spread my request for favors around, make a point not to ask the same person for too many things.
Healthy people not confronted with debilitating illness often simply cannot imagine what it is like. And on top of things, healthy people are busy with their normal lives working, raising families, etc.
Good luck to you.
I will be contacting him.
Mike, I know where you are coming from with the finances. If you cannot afford to earn your living, and were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth things get pretty grim being out of work. It turns into a downward spiral and gets worse and worse.
The good news is: you can send the documents to the doctor and wait to hear what he has to say.
I know even that can be insurmountable, simply getting the files together and getting to the post office.
Is there anyone you can ask to do you a favor?
I know I spread my request for favors around, make a point not to ask the same person for too many things.
Healthy people not confronted with debilitating illness often simply cannot imagine what it is like. And on top of things, healthy people are busy with their normal lives working, raising families, etc.
Good luck to you.

i wouldnt be able to afford
Submitted by Mike (guest) on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 8:37pm.
i wouldnt be able to afford to get there.. or anywhere really, im on my own, 24 and im so crippled i cant even get my self outside.
I have a neurologist helping me , but she went on vaca for a month. I dont know how good she is compared to this guy. But ill try to get my info to him anyway, is there any specialty clinic in ontario?
i was gunna be a firefighter, i was almost there at the 2nd interview stage... but these headaches andthis neck pain ruined everything for me.
Is there any kind of help avaliable to people like me, technically the only thing proven wrong with me is a atlas misalignment and low sinal fliud pressure, no leak has been ofund .. but im sure if tere is one, it has to be in the spot i hurt myself in, thats the only thing that makes sense.
would i be able to get a blood/glu patch done in the upper cervical area without going through the radiology?
i was forcing myself to work with this for almost a year but its way to painfull now to do anything at all..scince i stopped working ,i cant even afford to get myself to any treatments i used to do, i dont know if they can even help but... if i cant even do that, how am i gunna get myself to LA? .. :(
I have a neurologist helping me , but she went on vaca for a month. I dont know how good she is compared to this guy. But ill try to get my info to him anyway, is there any specialty clinic in ontario?
i was gunna be a firefighter, i was almost there at the 2nd interview stage... but these headaches andthis neck pain ruined everything for me.
Is there any kind of help avaliable to people like me, technically the only thing proven wrong with me is a atlas misalignment and low sinal fliud pressure, no leak has been ofund .. but im sure if tere is one, it has to be in the spot i hurt myself in, thats the only thing that makes sense.
would i be able to get a blood/glu patch done in the upper cervical area without going through the radiology?
i was forcing myself to work with this for almost a year but its way to painfull now to do anything at all..scince i stopped working ,i cant even afford to get myself to any treatments i used to do, i dont know if they can even help but... if i cant even do that, how am i gunna get myself to LA? .. :(

Submitted by angela clayton nc (guest) on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 10:46pm.
email me i have seizures with mine it sucks also migrianes that make me want to slpit my friggin head open and i would also like to talk to someone for support feel just like you. i have a facebook page angela clayton in roxboro nc
email me i have seizures with mine it sucks also migrianes that make me want to slpit my friggin head open and i would also like to talk to someone for support feel just like you. i have a facebook page angela clayton in roxboro nc

CSF Leak help for Mike
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 12:11pm.
I'm not sure how you got my email but my daughter in law has been suffering for a while with a spontaneous CSF leak. She has tried countless doctors and we are still looking to find a way to make her well again. My son, her husband, and I know that she will be well again someday, (hopefully soon). She also suffers from severe depression and has been on an antidepressant which helps her anxiety and depression. If you are not on one, hopefully that will be a starting point!
If your chiropractor said you are misaligned, I would go to the Chiro's that developed the process with the machine that taps your spine back into place. I think they are in Atlanta.
I also assume you have been thoroughly checked for a Chiari Malformation. The best place to go for that is the Chiari Institute in New York. (near West Hempstead?).
The best neurologists in the country are at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. They lead in nation in Neurology for the last 17 yrs. The best CSF Leak specialists are Dr. B. Mokri at the Rochester, Minn. Mayo Clinic and Dr. W. Schievink at Cedars Sinai, in L.A. Calif. The best Sinus doctor is David Kennedy in Phila at the Univ of Penn. The best surgeons for sinus/sephnoid issues are in Pittsburgh, they engineered the tools to do endoscopic surgeries. If you think it is a nerve issue there are some good specialists at John Hopkins University in Md.
I had a severe headache the other day and new it wasn't 100th of the pain my daughter in law and/or you and many others like you....suffer every single day. I can't tell you how much I admire all of you for sticking it out and going forward. There are answers to every single problem in the world. It could be as easy as changing the home you are living in because either the home or environment is toxic to you or changing the elevation you are living at since all this is tied to Barometric pressure too. Don't give up! Lie down when you can for some relief. Your answer is out there!
There really is hope and help! Never stop praying and believing that you will be healed. Listen to "The Secret". That's how I have always lived my life and was surprised it was A Secret. You have to believe in something and know it with all your heart that it is going to happen. You don't need to question whether you will be healed but work toward being healed and let it happen. It may not happen as quickly as you would like but you most believe with your heart and soul that you will be healed. The more anyone puts doubt and/or negative energy towards anything, they will achieve less "good results".
I truly hope this message gives you some hope. God Bless You!
I'm not sure how you got my email but my daughter in law has been suffering for a while with a spontaneous CSF leak. She has tried countless doctors and we are still looking to find a way to make her well again. My son, her husband, and I know that she will be well again someday, (hopefully soon). She also suffers from severe depression and has been on an antidepressant which helps her anxiety and depression. If you are not on one, hopefully that will be a starting point!
If your chiropractor said you are misaligned, I would go to the Chiro's that developed the process with the machine that taps your spine back into place. I think they are in Atlanta.
I also assume you have been thoroughly checked for a Chiari Malformation. The best place to go for that is the Chiari Institute in New York. (near West Hempstead?).
The best neurologists in the country are at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. They lead in nation in Neurology for the last 17 yrs. The best CSF Leak specialists are Dr. B. Mokri at the Rochester, Minn. Mayo Clinic and Dr. W. Schievink at Cedars Sinai, in L.A. Calif. The best Sinus doctor is David Kennedy in Phila at the Univ of Penn. The best surgeons for sinus/sephnoid issues are in Pittsburgh, they engineered the tools to do endoscopic surgeries. If you think it is a nerve issue there are some good specialists at John Hopkins University in Md.
I had a severe headache the other day and new it wasn't 100th of the pain my daughter in law and/or you and many others like you....suffer every single day. I can't tell you how much I admire all of you for sticking it out and going forward. There are answers to every single problem in the world. It could be as easy as changing the home you are living in because either the home or environment is toxic to you or changing the elevation you are living at since all this is tied to Barometric pressure too. Don't give up! Lie down when you can for some relief. Your answer is out there!
There really is hope and help! Never stop praying and believing that you will be healed. Listen to "The Secret". That's how I have always lived my life and was surprised it was A Secret. You have to believe in something and know it with all your heart that it is going to happen. You don't need to question whether you will be healed but work toward being healed and let it happen. It may not happen as quickly as you would like but you most believe with your heart and soul that you will be healed. The more anyone puts doubt and/or negative energy towards anything, they will achieve less "good results".
I truly hope this message gives you some hope. God Bless You!

To Mike and all who have
Submitted by Maureen Sprohge (guest) on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 4:38pm.
To Mike and all who have replied to him. I must have viewed this site a couple of years ago when I had my leak. Recently, I started getting e-mail like crazy. Thank goodness someone started this website going again. I know from personsl experience that going round and round and round to different doctors for other problems I have had - that many (most) times I get the answers on the internet. For me, I have found the internet to be my best source of information and self diagnosis. Rene and others have said, "I will pray for you." I do hope that we all pray for one another. I had a very bad saddle block back in the day (1981) delivering my first baby. The entire delivery was a nightmare - the doctor assumed since it was my first, that he could stay in bed all night while I wasa told the baby was crowning. A saddle block - actually a needle in my spine one after another - as the first one didn't 'take' - and forceps and the whole bit. No one told me to lay flat, and the fluid leaked out - and WHAM - the headache. Trying to take care of a newborn with a spinal headache at home for weeks was not what I expected with my little baby. For years I never had it again, until about two years ago. I found this site and several others and knew without a doubt that is what was going on. But how I wondered? For me, and for what it is worth, I was going to a personal trainer at a health club. Let's face it - how much do they really know about each individual. Live and learn. She would have me lay down at the end of the work out and literally force my legs back over my head. I am 55 and things just don't work like they used to. Well, I guess I 'sprang a leak' from all that pressure on my spine - I'm guessing in the same spot as when I was younger. I pray literally about everything and especially for anyone asking for my prayers and those who suffer these odd maladies, as I had a brain blockage that took nine months of running to dozens of doctors to get an answer - and by the time the Cleveland Clninic discovered what was wrong, I was told I would die within hours or days. Long story short - the prayers of hundreds of people healed the blockage in my brain (in front of about 24 neurologists during a cerebral angiogram), as well as two of three cerebral aneurysms. That is another story. My point is like Rene's. Pray. Ask God to lead you to answers. Let us all pray for one another. I woudln't be writing now if it wasn't for the prayer of many people all praying as one for the same thing. Let us all pray for one another and storm heaven for each other to heal. Each of us has a story. There are numerous causes and treatments and thank God for this website - literally thank God. I never allow anyone to manipulate me - and never chiropractic - although, for some people - fine. I told the trainer to stop doing those things to me, and sure enough, the leak stopped afer laying flat for a while. I believe we are all intuitive and may have a 'hunch' about what is causing it. Go with it. I am praying for all of you. Please, let us all pray for each other. Maureen Sprohge

Oh Mike, I'm so sorry you
Submitted by Elissa (guest) on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 11:16am.
Oh Mike, I'm so sorry you feel terrible. I know how terrifying it is to have that type of pain and to not have answers from doctors.
I too believe that my dural leak was in the cervical area, even though no imaging was able to pinpoint a leak. Even the radioactive leak test. Anyway, I decided that since I was in bed anyway 24/7, that I'd stabilize my neck with a foam neck cuff. I wore it for three weeks and also too some extra vitamins/supplements that a naturopath suggested might aid in healing the dura. One day I just woke up and it was better. Crushing headache gone.
I pray you find this kind of quick cure. I'll be thinking of you.
I too believe that my dural leak was in the cervical area, even though no imaging was able to pinpoint a leak. Even the radioactive leak test. Anyway, I decided that since I was in bed anyway 24/7, that I'd stabilize my neck with a foam neck cuff. I wore it for three weeks and also too some extra vitamins/supplements that a naturopath suggested might aid in healing the dura. One day I just woke up and it was better. Crushing headache gone.
I pray you find this kind of quick cure. I'll be thinking of you.

I think I might have a CSF leak
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Tue, 06/29/2010 - 9:49pm.
I think that I might have a spontaneous CSF leak. Where do you recommend I go for help. A neurologist? Neurosurgeon? I live near Denver. Does anyone have a recommendation?

CSF Leak Treatment - Denver
Submitted by Gail P (guest) on Thu, 07/01/2010 - 11:29pm.
I have been treated very recently by Dr. Oro, a neurosurgeon, at the Neuosurgery Center of Colorado, 303-481-0035. He ordered a blood patch for me which was done two days ago at the Medical Center of Aurora. Still not sure if it worked, but hopeful.

i received an epidural with
Submitted by shelly (guest) on Sat, 06/19/2010 - 1:07am.
i received an epidural with my second child. it took the dr. 2 trys.. i instantly had a massive headache.. he took the needle out. 6 weeks after my daughter was born i had optic nuritis.. they thought i had ms, but through an mri of the brain, it came back negative, and said it was just a virus.. i have head the same head ache for almost 3 years.. i am eghausted with dr.s i am seeing a neurologist, who will eventually do a spinal tap to see if i am leaking csf. can anyone suggest to me if a mri of the spine is better than a spinal tap.. let me know.. i beileve in miricals, i am just so lost with this one.. would really like the headaches gone..

Cerebrospinal fluid leak
Submitted by Serendip VisitorMaM (guest) on Wed, 07/07/2010 - 9:07pm.
Check this forum out it has helped me & others in contacting doctors that have experience in cerebrospinal fluid leak along with much needed support

MRI Spine
Submitted by Denise (guest) on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 6:44pm.
I know the MRI of the spine is Very long, I had to be drugged to get through it. It was several hours long. Spinal taps are dangerous and could cause more issues and be painful if they hit a nerve. I have had both and neither were plesant....

A spinal tap reavealed that
Submitted by Kathy (guest) on Sat, 06/19/2010 - 10:46am.
A spinal tap reavealed that the pressure was low suggesting a leak. MRI of the brain confirmed as my brain was 'slumping' by then. I would go for the tap first.
Good luck!
Good luck!

Spinal Leak
Submitted by Lonnie (guest) on Sat, 06/12/2010 - 10:56pm.
I just found this website and and thought I would tell my story. I had a spinal leak in 6/2000. Now knowing what happened, I look back and realize that I started having problems 6 months earlier. I just did not feel good, aching body (mostly legs). When it really hit me, I started vomiting, had a pain in my back and horrible headaches when I sat up. If I laid on my back, my headache went away. When I sat up, I felt like someone slammed my head against a brick wall, I lost all color and would start to pass out.
I was in & out of the hospital, 4 times in a month, due to dehydration and while they ran tests. They kept telling me I had migraines. It was finally suggested that I might need a blood patch. They did that and within a week my headaches did get better & I could sit up but they did not completely go away.
During this time I was trying to get into the Mayo Clinic but was unable to until a few weeks after the blood patch. The neurologist knew exactly what was wrong. He explained that during the time before my blood patch I had no fluid around the brain and my blood vessels expanded to take up some of the space and protect the brain. Now that I have fluid and expanded blood vessels, there is too much in the skull cavity. He perscribed me medicine to shrink down the blood vessels and I had no more problems.
My neurologist said it was very unusual for me to have a spinal leak due to not having a spinal tap or any surgeries to lead up to this. He invited me down to speak in his class. I told the class my symptoms and they had to guess my illness and tell how they would treat it.
Unfortunately, I fould this website because 10 years later, I am having symptoms of having another leak. I do not want to wait until I am flat on my back this time, I will be going back to the Mayo.
I was in & out of the hospital, 4 times in a month, due to dehydration and while they ran tests. They kept telling me I had migraines. It was finally suggested that I might need a blood patch. They did that and within a week my headaches did get better & I could sit up but they did not completely go away.
During this time I was trying to get into the Mayo Clinic but was unable to until a few weeks after the blood patch. The neurologist knew exactly what was wrong. He explained that during the time before my blood patch I had no fluid around the brain and my blood vessels expanded to take up some of the space and protect the brain. Now that I have fluid and expanded blood vessels, there is too much in the skull cavity. He perscribed me medicine to shrink down the blood vessels and I had no more problems.
My neurologist said it was very unusual for me to have a spinal leak due to not having a spinal tap or any surgeries to lead up to this. He invited me down to speak in his class. I told the class my symptoms and they had to guess my illness and tell how they would treat it.
Unfortunately, I fould this website because 10 years later, I am having symptoms of having another leak. I do not want to wait until I am flat on my back this time, I will be going back to the Mayo.

Just wondering, what kind of
Submitted by gin (guest) on Sat, 10/23/2010 - 3:19pm.
Just wondering, what kind of meds did they prescribe to reduce the swollen blood vessels? I feel everything in my head is swollen and pressing on the nerves.

Lonnie, I just read your
Submitted by tori (guest) on Sun, 09/12/2010 - 10:12pm.
I just read your story. I, too, had/have a spontaneous leak in the t1-t4 region of my spine, back in April. We think it happened because of violent retching. I've had 3 blood patches, and am now feeling pretty much normal - up and about. A recent follow up MRI showed that my brain is back to normal, but there is still csf pooling at the site of the leak - but a distinct leak was not detected. That doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one. I'm paranoid that the torturous headaches will return, and I keep analyzing how I feel! I do have some "shadows" of a headache...
Tell me, since you wrote back in June, do you have another leak? What were your symptoms like? How are you doing now?
I just read your story. I, too, had/have a spontaneous leak in the t1-t4 region of my spine, back in April. We think it happened because of violent retching. I've had 3 blood patches, and am now feeling pretty much normal - up and about. A recent follow up MRI showed that my brain is back to normal, but there is still csf pooling at the site of the leak - but a distinct leak was not detected. That doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one. I'm paranoid that the torturous headaches will return, and I keep analyzing how I feel! I do have some "shadows" of a headache...
Tell me, since you wrote back in June, do you have another leak? What were your symptoms like? How are you doing now?

Spinal Headace
Submitted by Cassandra (guest) on Sun, 07/25/2010 - 11:30pm.
Thank you for telling your story. My daughter 22 years old gave birth to her 2nd child. Went back into the hospital 8 days later for ovary infection and bladder infection. She was admistered a drug for pain that caused her headace to start. She have had a ct scan, MRI, spinal tap. she was hospitalize 3 times in 3 weeks. I requested the MRI myself because i knew they were missing something. The MRI showed the leak and show pressure was low in her head. The did 2 blood patches, as long as she drink mello yello soda (caffein) keep lots of fluid in her she do good but if she slow down on drinking soda the headace try to creep back. How long will this process take, her neurology said it has to run it course. well what is the course are should we get another opinion,

Hi Lonnie. I read in your
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 1:16am.
Hi Lonnie. I read in your post that you were/are going to a neurologist at Mayo Clinic for your CSF leak. I was wondering which Mayo Clinic you are going to and to which doctor because I am having absolutely no luck getting what I firmly believe to be a CSF leak diagnosed (I'm starting to think misdiagnosis could be due to me being on State Insurance...scary!!) A name of a good neurologist at the Minnesota Mayo clinic would be very helpful. Thank you very much.

Dr. at Mayo, Rochester is Dr.
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sun, 08/08/2010 - 10:19am.
Dr. at Mayo, Rochester is Dr. Mokri. He is one of the leaders in CSF studies and has quite a bit of material published on the web.

CSF Leaks and Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
Submitted by Colleen (guest) on Fri, 06/04/2010 - 3:28pm.
I would also like to hear about the fixed leak and still headaches. Chris, I have the same problem. It took 7 months before a second blood patch worked, but I am still having the ear pressure and ringing and headaches. Two days after the blood patch, I got vertigo real bad with naseau and couldn't keep anything down. Ended up in the ER and spent 2 days in the hospital. Then had an infection. Just went to the ENT doctor yesterday. They say my ears are normal and there is nothing they can do.

Colleen: Just wondering if
Submitted by Janine Long (guest) on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 7:38pm.
Just wondering if you found any info on continued headaches after having a leak fixed. It has been a little over 2 months since my procedure and I still have constant headaches and extremely sensitive hearing with lots of dizziness. My doctors tell me that it is normal and I just have to give it more time. Would appreciate any info you have come across. Thanks
Just wondering if you found any info on continued headaches after having a leak fixed. It has been a little over 2 months since my procedure and I still have constant headaches and extremely sensitive hearing with lots of dizziness. My doctors tell me that it is normal and I just have to give it more time. Would appreciate any info you have come across. Thanks

Submitted by chris (guest) on Mon, 06/07/2010 - 10:21pm.
hi they tried blood patch but told me cut in dura was to big my ears ring 24 hours a day they thought it was wax when i went to mayo clinic i think they have no idea how to stop headaches but don't give up this is 3 years and counting take 1 day at a time friends chris are you on facebook site

Submitted by chris (guest) on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 2:29pm.
In january 2007, I hurt my lower back. IN may they repaired herniated disk, but slashed dura. From may to november, I had three surgeries to fix dura. They fixed the tear, but the symptoms NEVER went away. Super bad headaches, ringing in ears. I have been to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Northwestern in chicago, and loyola in chicago. Due to my back problems and headaches, I have been declared permanently disabled. I have tried over 50 medications, there is NO painkiller that can stop the headaches, even tho the dura has been repaired. After walking, exercising, and different household tasks, the headaches start! I am now seeing Dr. Singla - one of the best in the US - he has been on many talk shows. There are cases where losing spinal fluid, the symptons never go away. I lost spinal fluid for six straight months. I would like to hear from other people or doctors.
Thanks, Chris
Thanks, Chris

CSF Leak
Submitted by Steve Langlois (guest) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 1:56pm.
Hi Chris, I too have been on disability since june 2007. I have been getting these disabling headaches since March 2007. My symptoms are: One sided headache (right side), my eye will buldge, weak voice, almost like charlie horse pain in head.To get the pain to stop I need to lay flat and within minutes the pain will subside. I also get headaches that take over the whole top of my head that pulsate with my heart. I only will get these in the morning after waking up, several times a month. I have had several MRI's, Mylogram, cisternigram, xrays, etc.. THey cannot seem to find the leak, however, my pressure was only 30% (last year it was 60%) and I had to get into an odd position for them to even get any fluid out. I had 2 blood patches that were unsuccessful. Nerve blocks that were unsuccessful. I am taking Indomethacin 4x a day and have to keep my activity limited. Lately I have noticed that in warmer weather my activity has to be very limited. I now am getting these spells of passing out....no pain associted with it unil I finally lay down then I will feel pain in the lower right of the base of my scull that travels up to the front of my head above my right eye. I have had my blood sugar checked and all is perfect. Have you experienced any of this? I have been to a total of 9 Doctors and now I am being told that they are not going to do more testing on me for a while because I have had appox 10 spinal taps and the more they do, the higher the risks.

me too!
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Wed, 09/08/2010 - 2:10pm.
Oh my gosh, Steve, I thought I was alone with that pulsating of the prolapsed brain behind my ear in unison with the strange pulsation of the heart.
AND I also have problems with my eyes, like needles sticking into the eyeballs from behind, now after two years of that from the front as well.
The doctors think I am crazy as half of them have never even heard of a spontaneous dura defect.
I am constantly in the position of having to "prove" that I really have this. I have a thick full of false diagnoses, and another file full "proving" that I am NOT crazy and really DO have this rare problem.
Yes, lying flat takes the headaches and dizziness away. And in the morning things are really bad. It takes quite awhile to get going.
Unfortunately now I spend around 22 hrs. out of 24 in bed. I am on disability.
It seems that your leak is in the spinal column?
My defect is in the skull so I guess it will not be of much help to talk about which doctors to see.
Try the csf leakage site on Facebook, if you have not already. There are many postings as well and sometimes doctors or clinics are recommended.
Good luck to you and I wish you all the best.
AND I also have problems with my eyes, like needles sticking into the eyeballs from behind, now after two years of that from the front as well.
The doctors think I am crazy as half of them have never even heard of a spontaneous dura defect.
I am constantly in the position of having to "prove" that I really have this. I have a thick full of false diagnoses, and another file full "proving" that I am NOT crazy and really DO have this rare problem.
Yes, lying flat takes the headaches and dizziness away. And in the morning things are really bad. It takes quite awhile to get going.
Unfortunately now I spend around 22 hrs. out of 24 in bed. I am on disability.
It seems that your leak is in the spinal column?
My defect is in the skull so I guess it will not be of much help to talk about which doctors to see.
Try the csf leakage site on Facebook, if you have not already. There are many postings as well and sometimes doctors or clinics are recommended.
Good luck to you and I wish you all the best.

csf leak
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Fri, 08/27/2010 - 6:45pm.
Of the 50 medications that they tried, have they ever tried steroids. Start at VERY low dose.... hydrocortisone 2.5mg 2-4x daily, and then if necessary work up to a physiologic dose. (total 20-25mg of hydrocortisone a day). And if you experience lots of highs and lows with hydrocortisone then using a very low dose of a long acting steroid, like 0.25 to 0.375 mg of dexamethasone once daily at night.
The problem with steroids is that doctors usually start them at too high a dose. It would need to be gradual, and you never want to be on more than a physiologic dose for an extended peroid of time. Also, it can make future scans appear more normal than they are.
The problem with steroids is that doctors usually start them at too high a dose. It would need to be gradual, and you never want to be on more than a physiologic dose for an extended peroid of time. Also, it can make future scans appear more normal than they are.

Facebook Group
Submitted by Katrina Fontes (guest) on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 2:59pm.
For all those who would benefit from information and support from fellow CSF leak sufferers, there is a facebook group entitled 'CSF Leaks (Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak) & Intracranial Hypotension'. It's comforting to know we are not alone!

CSF Leak
Submitted by Kathy (guest) on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 1:10pm.
Cannot find Facebook page. Help. Suffered a CSF November and still having treatment.
Would oove to chat to others.
Would oove to chat to others.

The facebook group is: CSF
Submitted by Katrina Fontes (guest) on Thu, 05/27/2010 - 10:21am.
The facebook group is:
CSF LEAKS (Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak) & Intracranial Hypotension
CSF LEAKS (Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak) & Intracranial Hypotension

CSF Leaks
Submitted by Maureen Sprohge (guest) on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 7:21pm.
I received the first comment today since I posted maybe two years ago. I re-read many of these and my heart goes out to everyone. One thought I had about my own leak, is that when I delivered my first baby in 1981, I was given a saddle block because I was crowning and the doctor never got out of bed to help me deliver - he thought since it was my first baby, it would be a while. The saddle block was a total disaster as was the whole experience. I sat up in bed (no one told me not to), and WHAM - I was flat on my back for weeks! With a new baby! All my fluid drained out. The scared ob/gyn told me to sue the anesthesiologist not him! Lawsuit! I was even't thinking about that. He said in case there was brain damage... Well, 28 years later, I think I figured out (on my own of course) what was causing my fluid to leak. First of all, the initial problem. I doubt that my body ever did build up enough fluid from that delivery. Secondly, I started getting the problems as I got older and my spine started deteriorating. I also have a hemotoma on my spine. I had a physical trainer who used to have me extend my legs up straight and then she would push them back as hard as she could - and I was 53! EAch time she did that, I noticed the headaches returning. After laying flat and allowing the fluid to build back up, I never allowed anyone and nor do I, stretch my back like that. I figure we can spring a leak just about anywhere from what I have read, but I think physical stress (sinus pressure - excess stretching of the spine - etc.) should be avoided. I will pray for each person and for the poor woman whose husband just posted. I am a firm believer in the healing power of God. I had a 100% brain blockage and three aneurysms which disappeared in front of about 24 neurologists during a Cerebral Angiogram -after given no hope for survivial. I am still here as the result of faith in the one who can heal all things and the united prayers of others. When all else fails - and even before - pray. Let us all pray for one another.

CSF Leak 4.5 weeks
Submitted by Helen (guest) on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 8:14am.
My leak results from banging my head over a month ago. The ct scan revealed a small fracture in the sphenoid bone and I had a ct cisternogram last week. I have been confined to resting in bed, in a reclined position, for nearly 5 weeks now and am very frustrated. Csf pours down the back of my throat continuously making me cough and I have stomach pain and diarrhoeaa every morning as a result of it draining into my stomach. If I sit upright in a chair for long periods the pressure becomes too much and I have to lean forward to allow fluid to drain. If I try to get up and do anything at all fluid just pours from my nose. I cannot do anything. Does anyone have any advice or tips in how I could accelerate the healing process of my dura? The doctors I have seen so far have had a very casual approach to this, offering me no advice whatsoever, and after nearly 5 weeks don't seem to regard it as any kind of emergency, but I am depressed, I cannot keep lying in bed all day every day, I have an autistic son to care for etc. I get no useful answers from the hospital (what do they care if I am laid up in bed for the rest of my life?) and am desperate and will do anything it takes to get my life back.
Thank you for taking the time to read x
Thank you for taking the time to read x

After reading your comment, I
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 10:17am.
After reading your comment, I realize how blessed I am. On September 11, 2009. I suffered a Head Trauma. Several days later, I begin to have this clear liquid leak from my noise.
I went back to the emergency room. In fear, they prescribed 875 mg of antibiotics for me to take. From there, it has been a nightmare. Finally, in March 2010 I had to fly to New Jersey. The altitude from the flight put additional pressure on my brain that caused me a severe headache and I ended up in the hospital at Princeton.
Dr. McLaughton at Princeton Bain Spine Care found the CSF Leak immediately. Please give him a call @ 609-921-9001. He is a hidden smart weapon that needs to be revealed.
My prayers will be with you! Tell him that you were recommended by a patient of his in Texas.
I went back to the emergency room. In fear, they prescribed 875 mg of antibiotics for me to take. From there, it has been a nightmare. Finally, in March 2010 I had to fly to New Jersey. The altitude from the flight put additional pressure on my brain that caused me a severe headache and I ended up in the hospital at Princeton.
Dr. McLaughton at Princeton Bain Spine Care found the CSF Leak immediately. Please give him a call @ 609-921-9001. He is a hidden smart weapon that needs to be revealed.
My prayers will be with you! Tell him that you were recommended by a patient of his in Texas.

Thanks for your
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 12:05pm.
Thanks for your information.
May I ask before I go through the long process of forwarding medical files, etc., the following questions:
1. Where was the dura defect positioned?
2. What procedure was used to repair the defect?
3. Are you now symptom-free, and if so, for how long?
Thanks. Your answers will be greatly appreciated.
May I ask before I go through the long process of forwarding medical files, etc., the following questions:
1. Where was the dura defect positioned?
2. What procedure was used to repair the defect?
3. Are you now symptom-free, and if so, for how long?
Thanks. Your answers will be greatly appreciated.

Submitted by Jim (guest) on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 4:16pm.
Mt wife has been suffering since July 2007 to now, May 24th 2010 with slow csf leaks. One test done that you need done is to see an ENT, eye, nose, throat specialist. He should order an MRI with contrast of your sinus cavities. Unfortunately this test did not reveal anything in my wifes case but you should not be having all the nasel drip and the sinus is the first place the ent will look to. In all the research we have done this is a common problem, clear fluid draining. In fact our ent gave us a cup to capture the fluid draining from the nose to be checked at a lab. The bad thing is you have to have a few cc's and get it to the lab within a day or so for it to be checked. Many people suffer with these CSF leaks, my wifes post surgical on her cervical spine. We have spent 5 weeks at Mayo in Minnesota, have had 6 blood patches now and she is currently in bed after this last one today. No one can seem to find the leak since her simptoms come on so slowly. We even went to Nashville to have a stand up MRI but they just locked her in the machine for 4 hours and would not allow her to postion herself in the poosition that creates the worst headaches. We are not giving up and are tempted to try Cedars in California next.

Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 10:08am.
After reading your comment, I realize how blessed I am. On September 11, 2009. I suffered a Head Trauma. Several days later, I begin to have this clear liquid leak from my noise.
I went back to the emergency room. In fear, they prescribed 875 mg of antibiotics for me to take. From there, it has been a nightmare. Finally in March 2010 I had to fly to New Jersey. The altitude from the flight put additional pressure on my brain that caused me a severe headache and I ended up in the hospital at Princeton.
Dr. McLaughton at Princeton Bain Spine Care found the CSF Leak immediately. Please give him a call @ 609-921-9001. He is a hidden smart weapon that needs to be revealed.
My prayers will be with you! Tell him that you were recommended by a patient of his in Texas.
I went back to the emergency room. In fear, they prescribed 875 mg of antibiotics for me to take. From there, it has been a nightmare. Finally in March 2010 I had to fly to New Jersey. The altitude from the flight put additional pressure on my brain that caused me a severe headache and I ended up in the hospital at Princeton.
Dr. McLaughton at Princeton Bain Spine Care found the CSF Leak immediately. Please give him a call @ 609-921-9001. He is a hidden smart weapon that needs to be revealed.
My prayers will be with you! Tell him that you were recommended by a patient of his in Texas.

Testing of CSF
Submitted by Ann (guest) on Sat, 06/12/2010 - 1:02pm.
I would suggest doing what I did as after the second failed surgery, my surgeon was reluctant to do another fluid sample test. You go directly to the lab, explain the situation, hopefully to an understanding and intelligent doctor, produce your sample on the spot and have it examined immediately. The time frame is about 6 hours. If your sample has not been tested within that time, at least that is how it is here in Germany, you will end up with a false negative.
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