Sunday 24 May 2015

Bad foods mayonaise, bbq sauce, dips etc. and what the fast food industry rely on

Candida Diet Bad Foods

Why You Should Avoid Them

The candida diet bad foods either feed yeast and allow it to grow, or they create an imbalance in the intestine and severely weaken the immune system. Some of these foods should be avoided at all costs when treating yourself for candida yeast infections. Others...well...cheating is up to you but if you do so it could hinder your progress and set you back. Candida yeast is an extremely tough infection and it really makes no sense to feed it while you are trying to get rid of it.
Candida Diet Bad Foods you must avoid:
Sugar and simple processed grains including wheat, corn, rice, breads, and pastas because sugar and simple carbs feed candida yeast.
It is also best to avoid millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, oats, and barley for 14 to 30 days as well, then they can be added in moderation. Please be advised that oats and barley are problematic for many people so if you have problems stop eating them. Quinoa and buckwheat are actually seeds but they are still high glycemic. But out of the above list they are the best. I do suggest you only eat the alternatives once per day and keep the carbs per serving to 20 grams or less.
High glycemic and moldy fruits should be avoided on the candida free diet because of the sugar or molds they contain.
Potatoes, legumes, and beets are candida diet bad foods because of the high starch content. Legumes also contain toxic alkaloids that defend the bean in the wild. Some of these alkaloids are cyanogens like cyanide. I think we all know just how poisonous cyanide is.
Yeasty foods like bread, mushrooms, pastries, alcohol, and hydrolyzed yeasts.
Breaded meats and egg substitutes are candida diet bad foods and should be avoided.
Eggs and margarine substitutes. Eggs may or may not cause a problem for you if you are not allergic to them. If you aren't allergic to eggs I would eat them, but I would not eat them everyday. I would also stick to eggs from free range hens with the correct omega 3 fatty acid profile.
Vinegars should be avoided and this includes pickles, green olives, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, worcestershire sauce, pickled peppers, hot sauce, salad dressings, dips, mayonnaise.
Peanuts and pistachios are candida diet bad foods because of almost universal mold contamination. Cashews should be avoided as well because they are actually a bean.
Diet and regular sodas, coffee, tea, and chlorinated and fluoridated water.
Dairy, especially milk, including raw milk, because the sugar in it causes a blood sugar spike. It is also so acidic that it has been found to actually leach calcium from the bones. Cheese is universally contamintaed with pesticides but if you have to have it as a condiment, you can probably get away with it every now and then.
One the candida free diet it is a good idea to avoid shark, tuna, swordfish, and farm raised salmon because of high mercury content. Candida yeast is an immune system response to mercury poisoning so you can see why this is important.
Not only do these candida diet bad foods contribute to candida yeast infections but they also weaken the immune system. For instance, processed wheat and simple grains do not contain enough fiber to move them through the colon fast enough so they sit in the colon to long and ferment. This fermentation process creates alcohols that cause acidity, and acidity kills good bacteria, your first line of defense against candida yeast. They are also quickly converted to sugar which feeds candida yeast during digestion.
Not only that, but we have only been eating grains for 10,000 years and we still cannot digest them. That is why all grains have to be cooked before we eat them. Although some of them are allowed after two weeks to 30 days, I still would not eat them; but its up to you.
Typically a meal of the standard American diet takes 100 hours to make its way through the body because of all the processed foods that we eat. On the other hand a person that eats a more natural candida free diet high in vegetable fiber, the meal only takes 20 to 45 hours and this keeps the colon at a neutral ph level. The food does not have the time to ferment and create alcohols that kill good bacteria. Vegetable fiber also feeds good bacteria and helps it to grow. Good bacteria are 75% of the human immune system, they are very important.
All disease, bad bacteria, and parasites thrive in an acidic environment because it lacks oxygen and food is plentiful. Many people say that candida yeast does not like an alkaline environment. However, candida yeast has been found to grow in a ph range of 2.5 to 8.0 so it does not matter other than acidity kills your first line of defense, good bacteria, against candida yeast.
However, this acidic fermenting toxicity slowly destroys the intestinal integrity of the walls of the intestine which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome causes food allergies, skin rashes, breathing difficulties, hives, and fevers to name a few. Wheat also causes leaky gut because of a protein it contains called zonulin that has the ability to seperate the cell junctions of the intestinal wall.
A candida diet full of whole fresh foods cleanses the colon and strengthens the intestinal walls. Vegetables and fruits also feed the good bacteria that defend us from the foreign pathogens that are present in every one of us. They also raise the intestinal ph making it more difficult for these pathogens to survive and make us sick.
However, and this is a biggy. You must have good fats in your diet if your going to avoid the major degenerative diseases of our time! Most of these good fats come from quality meats and fish. By quality I mean wild game, grass fed beef, buffalo, mercury free wild salmon and free range chicken.
It is best to double check this candida diet bad foods list against the good foods list because it is more complete. If you don't see a food listed on the good list it should probably be avoided. However, if you double check the food in question against the glycemic index and find it to be low, then it should be ok to eat.

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