Wednesday 5 June 2013

candida and infertility

Fertility and Candida

I am 32 years old and I have 4 year old son. I have been suffering from secondary infertility. Over the past 4 years of trying to get pregnant...I found out I have a mild case of hypothyroidism-hasimoto's disease (which is an autoimmune disorder), I've developed eczema (which I never had before), I started having short luteal phases with low progesterone, I had laparscopic surgery for a mild case of endometriosis. And finally a month after my laparscopic surgery I got pregnant, but unfortunately I miscarried at 10 weeks.

And, since the miscarriage I've been trying to figure out what's going on with my body & I think I finally figured it out----Candida.

I believe that after I had my son my immune system was weak (I breastfed him for almost a year) and at that time I wasn't taking the best care of myself (not taking vitamins, etc). I think that this is when the Candida started.
Within the past 2 years I have been taking vitamins, exercising regularly, eating good & I started using progesterone cream after ovulation until my period came---but I have recently found out that progesterone cream is horrible for Candida because Candida feeds on progesterone.

My question is once I get rid of the Candida, will my fertility be restored? And is it safe to get pregnant after Candida? What supplements are good for me to take to balance my hormones?


Yes, once you eliminate or better prevent Candida overgrow, you will increased your chances of getting pregnant. Candida can affect fertility by making your cervical mucus thick and hostile to sperm. Women who have Candida overgrow may have difficulty detecting egg white fertile cervical mucus, especially if they experience recurrent yeast infection. It is very much associated with low immunity, stress, diet and most importantly hormones. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth can definitely cause Candida overgrow.

Also, if you don't treat Candidates before pregnancy, you will be at risk for having yeast recurrent infections during pregnancy, which are harder to treat and you can also pass it to your baby during childbirth.

The first action to take is to change your diet because you can literally starve Candida so that it will stop growing.

The best way to deal with Candida is to do a Candida detox . in association with these dietary changes. Both partners have to do this as there is the possibility of cross-contamination.

Avoid the following foods for 6 weeks and then limit their intake and frequency (one or twice a week only). Some people are sensitive and have a predisposition to Candida and may have to follow this diet two or three times a year, especially during the change of season fall and spring, when Candida has a tendency to thrive in moist warm weather.


1. Dairy products except for organic plain yogurt with good bacteria.

2. Sugar, honey, cakes and candies, sweeteners, sodas, and ice cream. Substitute with xylitol sugar or stevia.

3. Fruit juices. Only drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.

4. Dried fruits.

5. Refined carbohydrates (white rice, white bread, white pasta).

6. Avoid alcohol, fermented foods and cheese.

7. Do not drink tap water, it contain many chemicals that contribute to lower your immune system. Chlorine and fluoride in water are especially detrimental to fertility. Fluoride affects the thyroid gland.


1. Lots of fresh vegetables.

2. Fresh fruits twice a day only.

3. Whole grains like kamut , quinoa, millet, spelt.

4. Supplement with good probiotic.

5. take garlic capsules or eat lots of garlic, broccoli and immune boosting herbs oregano.

6. Only eat meat that have been raised organically without hormones and antibiotics.

7. Eat legumes like lentils and garbanzo beans once or twice a week.

8. Eat fresh wild caught fish like tilapia, salmon, sardines, and sole once or twice a week.

9. Drink lots of water that has been filtered.

10. If you have yeast infections apply yeast arrest suppositories.

BUT, there is more...

Candida also affects the lining of your uterus and could be linked to endometriosis. Candida overgrowth can in severe cases cause leaky gut syndrome, which leads Candida and other toxins to spread affecting the hormonal system. In most cases, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance like estrogen dominance are very similar to those of Candida infection. The theory out there is that once Candida spreads into the blood system it can interact with hormones and change their ability to function properly.

Also, Candida produces toxins that mimic estrogen, which further affects hormonal problems. In fact high estrogen levels are associated with increase vaginal yeast and Candida infection. It also seems like synthetic estrogens from hormone replacement therapy and birth control pill may feed Candida. And as you mentioned, even natural progesterone may increase Candida to spread.

This whole condition believed it or not has a very fancy name:

Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Immune-dysregulation Candidiasis Hypersensitivity syndrome (APICH).

Women with Candida overgrow are often found to have an immune dysfunction causing an increase in the production of prostaglandin E2, which cause stimulation of the endometrium and uterine contractions associated with endometriosis. So, Candida makes endometriosis worse.

Also, endometriosis is associated with poor immunity and hormonal imbalance like stimulation from estrogen, which also stimulate endometriosis growth and spreading.

In order to help decrease endometriosis before conception is definitely important to eliminate Candida and to support the endocrine system and immune system. Herbal remedies can help in this process.

I would recommend Women's Best Friend Herbal Remedy. This is a really amazing supplement that use females herbs to strengthen the immune system and support hormonal balance. To get best results in treating endometriosis, I would also recommend doing self fertility massage.

I hope this answers your question. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Fertility Blessings

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