Monday 12 October 2015

Bacteria adapts and eventually will kill us - straphylococcos aureus / MRSA Candida goes unchecked for years decades and decades and thus the superbug is born

Fungus and Yeast
A "yeast" is just another type of fungus organism. Some yeasts feed on sugars and produce gas - which is how bread-making yeast gets the dough to rise. Other yeasts cause grains and starchy vegetables like potatoes to ferment and excrete alcohol as a waste product - which is how liquors and beers are produced.
A certain amount of yeast in our intestinal tract is normal and healthy. Too much yeast is unhealthy, and causes all kinds of problems.
The most common yeast which grows in the human body is Candida albicans, a tiny single-celled organism which appears in the intestines of babies soon after birth and will be found in the intestines of healthy people in its more "friendly" form which is like a true yeast.
But under certain conditions Candida can be stimulated to change its normal yeast structure and turn into the decidedly "unfriendly" fungus form which grows as tiny filaments which can root into the lining of the intestines and penetrate into the tissues of organs. And then the trouble begins.
Passing more gas than a normal amount (i.e. flatus or flatulence) is one sign of a yeast overgrowth. Really foul-smelling farts are a sign that there is also an excess of undigested and putrefying animal meat and/or rotting vegetable matter in your gut. Not chewing your food thoroughly contributes to sending bits of undigested food through the colon.
Experiencing bloating and/or cramps from excess gas shortly after eating may be a sign of a yeast overgrowth in the upper small intestine, especially if it occurs after eating any of the "trigger" foods such as sugars, baked goods, breads, pizza crust, beer, alcohol, vinegar, fermented foods, pickled foods, and most beans - things that the yeast feeds on.
All the gas produced by the yeast in the small intestine can create a kind of back pressure which causes acid reflux when it forces some of the stomach contents up into the esophagus, where the hydrochloric acid causes a burning sensation known as "heartburn". The more yeast in the intestine, the more quickly the gas will be produced - and more gas means more bloating.
The solution to the acid reflux problem is not to chew more antacid tablets, but to get rid of yeast in the small intestine. Or at least stop feeding it the foods which make it grow and produce more gas.
When you get rid of the yeast overgrowth, often the bloating and acid reflux just go away.
Most of us are aware that breadmaking yeast produces carbon dioxide gas which makes the bread dough rise. Wine-making yeast feeds on the natural sugars in the grapes or fruits and produces alcohol and some gas. Sparkling wines are made by adding more sugar to the wine so the yeast will produce more gas bubbles.
Candida yeast also produce gas when it feeds on sugars and certain carbohydrates in your intestinal tract.
Candida albicans (previously known as Monilia) is a common yeast organism which lives on sugars, and Candida albicans is now thriving in our bodies on all the sugar we consume from so many sugar-laden soft drinks and highly processed foods with too much sucrose, glucose, and high-fructose corn syrup.
Candida also feeds on the amino acid L-Glutamine which many people take as a muscle-building supplement, or because Glutamine plays an important part in maintaining intestinal metabolism, structure, and function.
A synthetic female hormone found in birth control pills (Progesterone) can stimulate the growth of Candida.
Even the natural fructose in healthy raw fruits is food for the Candida yeast. Fruit juices have even more fructose per gram. But not many people were suffering with a yeast overgrowth from eating raw fruits until they also started eating a lot of highly processed foods laden with sugar and corn syrup after World War II.
The "baby boomer" generation was raised on processed foods, and they are now paying the price. (But the "boomers" also form the largest group of people who can be helped by Holy Tea.)
A Candida infestation can even cause your body to crave sugary and starchy foods. The Candida yeast can spread to many parts of the body, and often causes a yeast infection called "Thrush" in the throats of people with compromised immune systems, such as those with AIDS or Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
When the Candida yeast has spread throughout the body, the condition is referred to as a systemic yeast infection. It is difficult for medical doctors to treat this condition with pharmaceutical drugs. Often antibiotic drugs are prescribed to treat a condition thought to be caused by bacteria, but which is really caused by yeast. Antibotic drugs are not effective against yeast.
More than 70 different allergic molecules are produced by Candida albicans.
Allergens cause symptoms of itching, skin rashes, hives, nasal congestion, cough, bronchitis, asthma, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Wouldn't it make sense to do a Candida cleanse before assuming that these symptoms are caused by food allergies and other medical conditions?
Candida also produces hormonally active molecules. Patients who were treated with anti-fungal medications have reported improvement in symptoms related to the female reproductive system: PMS, cystic breast disease, infertility, and reduced sex drive. From this, one may infer that the conditions were originally caused by an overgrowth of the Candida yeast in the person's body.
It is well known that yeast (usually Candida albicans) causes vaginitis in women (with a white vaginal discharge) and diaper rash and thrush in infants.
Yeast and fungus are also common causes of other skin infections, including: athlete's foot, jock itch, anal itching, ringworm, paronychia, intertrigo, seborrhea (dandruff), tinea versicolor, and onychomycosis (which causes fingernail and toenail deformities).
Immune Stress Caused by Yeast
When the growth of yeast is NOT kept in check by the good probiotic bacteria and the yeast becomes too widespread, the body identifies it as a foreign invader and an immune response is triggered. The immune response can cause fatigue, weakness, feelings of malaise or depression, and flu-like symptoms.
When yeast ferments foods in the intestines and produces gas, it can cause indigestion and swelling of the belly. In the sinuses and nasal cavities, yeast can also cause swelling, as well as other allergy-like symptoms.
A clinical syndrome known as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome or CFIDS has been linked to an overgrowth of the Candida yeast organism. It is not well recognized by doctors, who may not suspect that the underlying cause is a yeast overgrowth triggering an immune response.
CFIDS can present as a complicated mix of symptoms linked to, or including... Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Syndrome, Candida Albicans Syndrome, Candidiasis, Monilia, Myalgic Encephalitis, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, Hyperactivity Syndrome, Hypoglycemia, Asthma, Food Allergy, Allergic Tension Fatigue Syndrome, Chemical Sensitivity, Ecological Illness, and Sick Building Syndrome.
An overgrowth of the Candida yeast which is normally present in the gut is called Candidiasis - or Monilia (to which the anti-yeast drug, Monistat™, refers).
Causes of Yeast Infection
An excessive growth of yeast is caused by...
  • · Taking multiple courses of broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs for sore throats, ear infections, sinus infections, bronchitis, or urinary tract infections. Antibiotic drugs such as Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Keflex™, Ceclor™, Bactrim™ and Septra™ kill the bio-friendly bacteria that control yeast.
  • · Treatments with cortisone types of anti-inflammatory medicines or injections, such as Prednisone, which kill the bio-friendly bacteria.
  • · Treatments for acne with Tetracycline or other antibiotics which kill the probiotic bacteria.
  • · Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) containing synthetic progesterone which can stimulate yeast overgrowth.
  • · Consuming too much of foods that support yeast growth, such as sugar (sucrose), wine, beer, alcohol, vinegar, fermented or pickled foods. Refined and simple sugars are the main cause, including refined white and brown table sugar, demerara and turbinado sugar, molasses, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, and most other syrups with sugar. Even natural sugars like fructose found in raw fruits, dried fruits, and fruit juices support the growth of yeast. Tomato ketchup contains vinegar and a lot of sugar, as do many salad dressings.
  • · Consuming the many hidden sugars in processed foods: such as sucrose, fructose, glucose, galactose, lactose, maltose, mannitol, sorbitol, polysaccharides, and monosaccharides. They all feed the yeast.
  • · Eating too much yeast and grains and gluten contained in foods such as breads and bakery products and pizza dough (all made to rise with yeast) - especially those which contain wheat, rye, or corn.
  • · Consuming dairy products which are fermented by yeast (such as cheese) or contain residues of antibiotic drugs (such as non-organic milk and cream). Dairy products contain Lactose which is a kind of sugar known as "milk sugar" - and it also feeds the yeast. Consuming natural or Balkan-style yogurt is not a problem, since it is milk which has been fermented by good bacteria, not yeast. Unpasteurized plain organic yogurt still contains live probiotic bacteria like Acidophilus which feed on and control yeast, and also produce enzymes which digest lactose. But frozen yogurt and many yogurts containing fruit will also contain sugar or sucrose or corn syrup which feeds the yeast, and if they are pasteurized then the probiotic bacteria and enzymes will have been destroyed by the high heat. (Note that in the USA organic milk and cream is often subjected to pasteurization at even higher temperatures, so unless you buy unpasteurized raw organic milk direct from the farm it may not offer any health benefits beyond those of regular milk. And note that milk contains a much higher level of phosphorus than calcium and is not really "a good source of calcium" as the dairy industry would have you believe. To neutralize an excessive amount of phosphorus in the blood, which is toxic, your body may actually have to take calcium out of your bones.)
  • · Consuming too much of an L-Glutamine food supplement which just helps feed the yeast. The amino acid, Glutamine, plays a major role in protein synthesis and is prescribed by doctors to aid gastrointestinal function and in the medical treatment of serious illnesses, injuries, and burns. But L-Glutamine is also widely marketed as a non-prescription food supplement used to enhance muscle growth, repair, and performance for people involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, endurance sports, and other sports (who may be tempted to ingest too much of this common amino acid). A side-effect of consuming too much L-Glutamine is "upset stomach".
  • · Eating peanuts, peanut butter, pistachios, oranges, melons and cantaloupes which are often contaminated with small concentrations of a fungal mold (usually Aspergillus)
  • · Inhaling other fungus spores from mildew or mold (especially in damp basements and water-soaked walls or ceilings).
The average person in North America now has the proper ratio (80/20) of "good bacteria" to yeast and fungus reversed - 15 per cent good probiotic bacteria and 85 per cent fungus and yeast!
It is the "bio-friendly" probiotic bacteria which help us by killing the bad bacteria and by feeding on the yeast. These bio-friendly bowel bacteria also "crowd out" the yeast and fungus when they are present in sufficient numbers to take up most of the space on the mucosa or lining of the intestines.
Because these probiotic bacteria also help you digest your food and help you in other ways, whenver you take an antibiotic (anti + bio = against life) drug treatment which kills all the probiotic (pro + bio = for life) bacteria you should take a probiotic supplement to replenish the helpful bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus. Otherwise, the absence of probiotic bacteria provides a fine opportunity for the "opportunistic yeast" to flourish, which leads to a rapid yeast overgrowth in your intestines and other parts of your body.
Signs and Symptoms of Fungus and Yeast Overgrowth
Signs of excessive yeast and fungus overgrowth and a deficiency of the good probiotic bacteria such as lactobacillus include...
  • · fatigue; lack of energy; feeling drained; always tired (chronic fatigue); noticeably more fatigue after eating
  • · intestinal gas, especially after eating sugary foods or breads that feed the yeast
  • · indigestion and/or bloating after meals
  • · distended abdomen; "beer belly" or "pot belly"
  • · lactose intolerance (an inability to digest the lactose in dairy products - but which could be digested for you by bio-friendly lactobacillus bacteria, if enough are still surviving and thriving in your intestinal tract); gas and cramps after consuming dairy products
  • · heartburn; acid reflux
  • · dry mouth, often with a white coating on the tongue (most noticed on rising from a long sleep); oral thrush (caused by Candida)
  • · bad breath; belching smelly gas after eating
  • · sore throat; thrush; white coating inside the throat
  • · cold sores and/or canker sores and/or blisters in mouth or on face
  • · infections around the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis caused by Candida)
  • · diarrhea or chronic constipation; loose stools; noticeable mucus in stools
  • · rectal itching; itchy anus, especially after eating food with high sugar content
  • · groin area sticky and wet, with foul odor and itchiness ("jock itch")
  • · yeast infections such as candidiasis or Monilia; recurring yeast infections even after treatments
  • · urinary tract infections; burning sensation when urinating; urinary tract infections not helped by antibiotics
  • · Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder, possibly an infection)
  • · allergy symptoms; unexplained allergies
  • · food allergies and food sensitivites, such as sensitivity to milk, wheat, corn or other common foods (may worsen over time, with new sensitivites)
  • · insomnia; depression
  • · bruising too easily, often noticing unexplained bruises
  • · joint pain and/or swelling of the joints (inflammation)
  • · aching muscles; muscle weakness or paralysis; aching bones (symptoms are worse after exercising)
  • · continually cold feet or cold hands
  • · Lupus
  • · nail-bed infections; infection of the nails by fungus (onychomycosis); thick and/or discolored nails; fingernails or toenails falling off
  • · athlete's foot (a scaley, itching fungus infection of the skin between the toes)
  • · ear aches (or earaches); discharge from the ears; chronic ear infections; ear infections not helped by antibiotic treatments
  • · nasal congestion; nasal discharge; post nasal drip; "runny nose"; itchy nose
  • · chronic sinus infections or frequent colds; nasal infections not helped by antibiotic drugs
  • · persistent cough or recurring bronchitis
  • · respiratory symptoms: wheezing or shortness of breath; intolerance of (or sensitivity to) chemicals, fumes, tobacco smoke, perfumes, or fabric shop odors
  • · skin disorders: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, chronic hives or rash; diaper rash; burning or tingling or itching skin
  • · Cutaneous candidiasis (or Intertriginous candidiasis), an infection of the skin with Candida which involves any skin surface, but usually in warm and moist areas and creases such as armpits, groin, buttocks, in folds of excess fat, and under large breasts. Taking antibiotics or birth-control pills (oral contraceptives) increase the risk. Wearing clothing which inhibits air flow and thus promotes skin moistness (such as nylon pantyhose or polyester panties) may cause an occurrence.
  • · itchy scalp; flakey skin on scalp; excessive hair loss; infection of hair follicles (folliculitis)
  • · headaches; migraines; and/or a feeling of fullness, tightness, swelling or pressure in the head
  • · feeling "spacey" or "spaced out"; feeling "unreal"; inability to focus or lack of concentrattion; forgetfulness; memory loss; tingling sensation in the head
  • · spots in front of eyes; erratic vision; burning or itching eyes
  • · numbness; burning or tingling sensations
  • · food cravings, especially for sugar, breads, pizza (the bread-like crust), or alcohol
  • · feeling intoxicated after meals, from absorbing alcohol produced by an overpopulation of yeast fermenting sugars or poorly digested grains in the digestive tract
  • · hypoglycemia: shaking or being light-headed or irritable when hungry
  • · mood swings; anxiety or crying; acting manic or depressed or compulsive; irritability; hyperactivity (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD); panic attacks; thoughts of suicide; obsession with morbid thoughts
  • · in women: irregular menstrual cycle, endometriosis (irregular or painful menstruation); premenstrual mood syndrome (PMS) disorder
  • · in women: vaginitis; thick white vaginal discharge with an odor like yeast or beer or a "fishy" smell; redness and itchiness and irritation around the external parts of vagina ("vaginal itch"); burning sensation or pain during urination or during sexual intercourse
  • · in women: infertility
  • · in men: impotence
  • · in men: genital candidiasis producing an itchy rash on the penis; prosatitis (infection of the prostate gland)
  • · diminished libido (loss of sex drive) in men and women
  • · in babies: diaper rash, thrush, colic
The average sufferer of a Candida yeast infection (Candidiasis) may have twenty or more of the above symptoms. Some will have less, and some may have many more. Having only one or two of the above symptoms may not be a reliable indication of a Candida yeast overgrowth.
The symptoms may become worse in damp, muggy, or moldy environments. Dampness and humid heat support the growth of fungus and mold and the release of their spores into the air.
These symptoms may also vary with diet. Consuming sugar, starches, alcohol (beer, wine, liquors), fermented foods, pickled foods, vinegar, L-Glutamine, sweets (even raw fruits) usually increase the symptoms by providing food which helps the yeast organisms grow and multiply. More yeast release more toxins, which will produce more symptoms or more noticeable symptoms.
Stress can trigger or increase these symptoms. Stress lowers the immune function, so it is less able to keep the yeast under control. Simply being over-tired, over-worked, or overly stressed can cause an increase in the overgrowth of yeasts like Candida albicans and produce more noticeable symptoms.
You can see how ridding your body of the excess yeast and fungus, using Dr. Miller's Holy Tea, may help relieve many of the above symptoms.
When these tiny troublemakers spread in the small intestine and fill it with fungus and yeast organisms, the result is incomplete digestion and poor assimilation of important nutrients. The organs and glands are deprived of their nutritional building blocks, and normal systems begin to fail.
Also, when a pernicious yeast like Candida albicans is given room to spread, it sometimes spreads to other parts of the body. Systemic yeast infections are quite common today, and difficult to cure.
A yeast infection of the vagina (Vulvovaginal Candidiasis or VVC) is also known as Candidiasis, a Candida yeast infection, a Monilia infection, or a fungus infection, and is a form of Candidosis. A vaginal yeast infection (VVC) is usually caused by the yeasts Candida albicans and Candida galbrata.
Women and girls can help avoid a vaginal yeast infection or re-infection by being careful in how they use toilet paper to wipe themselves after urination or a bowel movement. Always wipe front-to-back (wipe down, not up) so that you do not transfer any bits of fecal matter from the anus area to the vagina. The fecal matter may contain Candida albicans or other fungus and yeast organisms. Avoiding nylon pantyhose and polyester panties, which restrict the flow of air that dries the skin, can help prevent moist and warm conditions from supporting the rapid growth of Candida on the skin and vaginal area, which can cause a skin rash, itching, or vaginal yeast infection (vaginitis).
Body odor is not usually caused by the sweat (unless you are "detoxing" through the sweat glands), but by the bacteria and yeast that grow quicker in warm and moist areas of the skin, such as the armpits and groin area. Wearing "breathable" fabrics like cotton allows the free flow of air to keep the skin drier and less hospitable to bacteria and yeast. Using antiperspirants to control body odor is not a healthy solution, because this inhibits the body's ability to get rid of toxins through the sweat glands and perspiration. Frequent bathing and applying natural antibacterial and antifungal deodorants (such as those containing Australian Tea Tree Oil or the more effective New Zealand south cape Manuka Oil) is the healthy alternative.
Cleaning out an overgrowth of yeast in your own body could contribute to the elimination of most of the ailments caused by the yeast. You could start with a detoxifying Candida cleanse of the small intestine and colon by drinking the good-tasting Dr. Miller's Holy Tea.
Causes of Fungus, Yeast and Toxic Bacteria Infestations
A Candida yeast infection is particularly common in individuals with diabetes, and in people who are obese. People with compromised immune systems are not as able to keep the yeast growth under control. A Candida yeast overgrowth further compromises the immune system, and leaves the sufferer susceptible to many other kinds of infections caused by a bacteria or virus.
For some strange reason, the medical establishment tends to ignore a yeast overgrowth as a possible cause of many ailments, and only seems to acknowledge the medical condition known as Thrush being caused by Candida. Medical doctors rarely suggest a colon cleanse or Candida cleanse or detox before prescribing antibiotic drug treatments that may worsen the yeast problem by killing all the helpful probiotic bacteria which keep yeast under control.
If you suspect a yeast overgrowth or Candida infection may be the real cause of your ailments, you may be wise to insist that your doctor test for the presence of yeast (especially Candida), or you may end up undergoing expensive drug treatments or tests which don't really help solve a yeast overgrowth problem and all the ailments it can cause, and which will kill all the good probiotic bacteria which naturally keep the Candida under control.
The overuse and misuse of antibiotic drugs has been a major contributor to this problem. About $23 billion per year is spent on antibiotic drugs being given to patients in the USA.
Sometimes antibiotics are too quickly prescribed to deal with a condition that is actually caused by a virus, fungus, yeast, or parasite - against which antibiotic drugs are totally ineffective! (See all the symptoms of yeast infections above, and click here to see the symptoms of parasite infections)
When these man-made antibiotics are used, they kill all the bio-friendly bacteria in the gut, but do NOT kill the yeast, fungus, or parasite protozoa and amoebae, or parasitic worms and flukes, which now have less competition for food and growing places, and can take over - particularly the opportunistic yeast, Candida albicans.
The fungal form of Candida grows thread-like roots which can penetrate the mucosa lining of the intestines and reach other organs, or create a path for toxic waste material in the intestines to leak out of the bowels - a condition known as "leaky gut".
We can see the harmful side effects of antibiotic drug treaments experienced by women who are prescribed an antibiotic drug and find that it has killed all the bio-friendly bacteria (which leads to diarrhea) and has allowed the Candida yeast to spread to their vagina, resulting in a recurring "vaginal yeast infection" or Candidiasis.
There are some alternative, natural, wide-spectrum antibiotics like Allicin, an extract from garlic cloves which does NOT destroy all the bio-friendly bacteria, but IS effective against microbial parasites like Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and is also effective against viruses, yeast and fungus organisms like Candida, and bad bacteria like E. Coli and Salmonella, or the Helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes stomach ulcers.
If you take a prescribed antibiotic drug, be absolutely certain to keep taking it for as long as your doctor tells you, or until ALL of the drug has been used up.
Why is this so important? If you stop taking your antibiotic just because you start to feel better, you have failed to kill ALL the bad bacteria - and the ones which have survived are the STRONGEST and MOST ADAPTABLE. They will adapt and reproduce and infect you again - and eventually will become immune to the antibiotic drug that once was able to kill them.
This is how bacteria become immune to antibiotic drugs and make them useless as a future treatment. The bacteria adapt and survive by creating a protective sheath around themselves which prevents the drugs from reaching them. Eventually there will be no antibiotic drugs left to control a bacterial infection!
The over-use and misuse of antibiotic drugs will leave mankind with no defense against serious diseases caused by drug-resistant bacteria. Doctors will have no cure to offer you. This disaster scenario has already begun to unfold.
One common bacteria, Staphylococcus Aureus (called MRSA or "the super-bug" or "Staph. A" in news reports) has now become immune to ALL antibiotic drugs, and is causing the deaths of many people who get infected during their stay in a hospital and then die of pneumonia or blood poisoning. Doctors tell those with less serious, non-fatal Staph. A infections that they have no treatment and no cure, and send them home with cuts or open sores that will not heal.
But Staph. A is still not resistant to the above-mentioned safe and natural antibiotic, Allicin from garlic. The natural antimicrobial chemical compound known as Allicin, CAN penetrate the proteective sheath that bacteria create to repel man-made antibiotic drugs. The bacterial cannot adapt to protect themselves against Sallicin.

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