Friday 27 February 2015

Paramegnetism & Energies

Paramagnetism & Energies

What is Paramagnetism and how can it help?
** For more info on this topic, see the answers at the bottom of the FAQ page
According to Prof. Phil Callahan, the acknowledged expert on this subject (along with numerous other energy-related subjects such as insect antennae, ELFs, etc.), paramagnetism is the ability of a substance to collect or resonate to the magnetic fields of the Cosmos—but it is not magnetism. Rock powders use crystals or crystal-like forms to collect subtle cosmic energies, transforming them into uses from which we can benefit. For more fascinating information on the astonished capabilities of crystal substances see . Vogel spent many years working with crystals after many years as IBM’s top research scientist.
Callahan was a mainstream scientist at the head of his field, who over the last 50 years, was drawn deeply into an understanding of energies, particularly as they influenced agriculture and health.
He came to realize that it was essential to understand the  energetic background to life, the polarity of paramagnetism and diamagnetism, how they relate to the soil and how they influence our lives.
As Harvey Lisle, author of ‘Enlivened Rock Powders’ has written: ‘Paramagnetism is the ability of a substance to resonate to a cosmic force’.
He has also stated : ‘There is a secret life in the enlivened dusts of the earth, and Rudolf Steiner made it his business to bring this reality into a modern context’. Steiner, as many know, was responsible for many outstanding new fields of human knowledge, amongst them Biodynamics, which arose from his deep understanding of the energies of the Cosmos, an understanding which arose from his deep spiritual connections and highly advanced clairvoyance, unmatched to this day. He called himself a practitioner of ‘spiritual science’, or a science based on the interplay of energies on many levels.
Igneous (volcanic) rocks contain the greatest concentration of Paramagnetism —basalts and granites predate all animal and  plant influences. Steiner says that such rocks date back to when the Earth was in a very hot, vaporous state. The life in these would have to be a carry-over from the ancient Sun which gave birth to planet Earth. Silica is the material carrier of this life.
Neutralising noxious energies with Paramagnetic material
Harvey Lisle did a great deal of experimenting with these forces and realized that the forces of paramagnetic silica rock powders traveled in an upward spiral. He showed that a jar of this material placed under a TV set or monitor reduces the area of noxious influence from approximately 3 metres to about 30 cm! I have duplicated this and found similar results.
Paramagnetic lime rock powders are found to give off forces travelling downwards, so if you have access to these, place them on top of the offending device (tv, monitor, etc.).
Similar results have been found for microwave ovens, computers and other electronic devices.
It is well to keep in mind Robert Becker’s warning in ‘The Body Electric’ (Becker was the top scientist in bio-electrics in the 80s and 90s). He stated: ‘Accelerated mitosis (cell division) is a hallmark of malignancy  as well as healing, and long term exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields has been linked to increased rates of cancer in humans’.
Lisle also found that houses affected by high power lines could be protected by simply placing 4 jars of paramagnetic material at the 4 corners of the foundations of such  a house. He also recommends the same treatment to neutralize the issue of geopathic stress overall in a house. See elsewhere in the Energy Store’s websites for information on how to get help with these issues.
We have taken this discovery further with a combination of highly paramagnetic rock dust (reading of >7000) with orgonite to be placed as mentioned above for neutralizing electro-stress and geopathic stress. See our ‘Stress Reducer’ which uses this principle and related principles for various kinds of stress.
Paramagnetic and diamagnetic in living systems
In the end, when it comes to energetic systems, such as in agriculture and water and in the human  body, we are considering the polarity of paramagnetism and diamagnetism, oxygen and water, rock dust and wood, etc.
In other words, the Yin/yang balance of the ancient Chinese philosophy and culture.
For example, the nervous systems in humans is in the form of the paramagnetic craniosacral/parasympathetic and the diamagnetic thoraco-lumbar/sympathetic.
In the soil the Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism are ‘insulated’ from each other by organic material—but if you use a salt fertilizer, it forms an ionic solution  which can conduct electricity, and this short-circuits the P/D polarity, and ruins the soil.
If a soil is not paramagnetic, for example, then the moisture in the soil will not do what it should, ie, rise in the morning and fall in the evening. Thus the force of paramagnetism affects water deeply, to fulfill its intelligent and energetic function. Moreover, as Harvey Lisle says, it is the paramagnetic forces which keep the plant saps circulating and thus plants are made much more resilient to winter kills and much more disease resistant. Likewise he says that paramagnetism stimulates the ‘aura’ of plants and thus causes them to repel insects. Most insects like a turbulent or decaying energy and then move in for the kill.
Sacred architecture
Historically, the Egyptian pyramids and steles, Mayan pyramids, Irish round towers, American and European stone circles and earthen works (barrows, mounds, etc.) all have the function of broadcasting strong paramagnetic energies over a wide area. This was done very consciously by these energy-aware races, who also knew that shapes or forms were highly important in collecting and focusing these forces.
Paramagnetic influence on water
Water is highly diamagnetic, and has lost its balance when deadened by the harsh treatment it receives, which is restored by the presence of paramagnetic material. This is part of what the Aquacharge system does—it also seems to dissolve the weak hydrogen bonds which cause deadened water molecules to be ‘glued together’ in large clusters.
Philip S. Callahan, Ph. D. ‘Paramagnetism—Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Force of Growth’
Harvey Lisle ‘The Enlivened Rock Powders’.
Paramagnetic Effects on Plant Growth, by Thomas Dykstra
In ‘Acres USA’ magazine
Marcel Vogel:

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