Friday 12 July 2013

Is SPS a symptom of a misaligned Atlas

I suspect a Neuro Physiotherapist like mine may find the possible link a curiosity, and in need of investigation.


Stiff-Person Syndrome Definition

Stiff-Person syndrome: a rare neurological disorder with features of an autoimmune disease, characterized by fluctuating muscle rigidity in the trunk and limbs and an enhanced sensitivity to stimuli such as noise, touch, and emotional distress. Muscle spasms may also be present as a result of the sensitivity to various stimuli, leading to abnormal postures and stiffening. Stiff-Person syndrome (SPS) is more common in women than in men and is often associated with other autoimmune diseases including, pernicious anemia, diabetes, vitiligo, and thyroiditis. The exact cause of Stiff-Person syndrome is unknown, but it appears to result from an autoimmune reaction.
SOURCE: Stiff-Person syndrome.

What is Stiff-Person syndrome?

Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is a rare neurological disorder with features of an autoimmune disease.

What are the signs and symptoms of Stiff-Person syndrome?

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Stiff-Person syndrome is characterized by fluctuating muscle rigidity in the trunk and limbs and a heightened sensitivity to stimuli such as noise, touch, and emotional distress, which can set off muscle spasms. Abnormal postures, often hunched over and stiffened, are characteristic of the disorder. People with Stiff-Person syndrome can be too disabled to walk or move, or they are afraid to leave the house because street noises, such as the sound of a horn, can trigger spasms and falls.

Who is affected by, and what causes Stiff-Person syndrome?

Stiff-Person syndrome affects twice as many women as men. It is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, thyroiditis, vitiligo, and pernicious anemia. Scientists don't yet understand what causes Stiff-Person syndrome, but research indicates that it is the result of an autoimmune response gone awry in the brain and spinal cord.

How is Stiff-Person syndrome diagnosed?

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The disorder is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, psychosomatic illness, or anxiety and phobia. A definitive diagnosis can be made with a blood test that measures the level of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies in the blood. People with Stiff-Person syndrome have elevated levels of GAD, an antibody that works against an enzyme involved in the synthesis of an important neurotransmitter in the brain.

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