Friday 10 February 2017

70% of Americans infected

Research from Rice University shows that 70 percent of all people are affected by Candida, a systemic fungal infection.1 According to the molecular biologists at Rice University, Candida is common in humans and is often found in colonies in their intestines, mouths, or on their skin. When researchers delved deeper into how Candida albicans moved throughout the body, with findings published in the journal PLOS One, they noted that the "remarkable pathogen" Candida can cause infection in the body that is both superficial and systemic by penetrating epithelial barriers.2
If you have a strong immune system, you could still unknowingly have a fungal/yeast infection. It most likely is low-grade and chronic.
A Harvard University fellow in infectious disease, Julia Koehler, found that Candida is the predominant fungal infection behind human disease. According to Koehler, Candida was responsible for 60 percent of the fungal infections acquired in hospitals, killing one in three people with a bloodstream infection. Comparing Candida's shape-shifting ability to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Koehler considered the fungus particularly dangerous because of its ability to change forms. When immunity is low, Candida can take over, and a systemic infection can quickly become lethal.3
Based on research published in the Journal of the German Society of Dermatology, Candida albicans overgrowth may be responsible for 50 to 90 percent of Candida infection and could be at the root of some chronic disease.4
vitality-powder-big_1 Your body's ability to overcome pathogenic Candida depends on the health of your gut. Drinking a powerful superfood drink like Vitality SuperGreen every morning can provide your body with the minerals and probiotics it needs to strengthen the gut lining — and contain Candida.

What Is Candida?

A fungus is a microscopic organism that typically lives harmlessly in people. However, if your inner ecosystem is out of balance and your immunity is weakened, you are at risk for a fungal infection, like Candida (also known as a yeast infection).
A single-cell organism, Candida reproduces asexually and thrives on some of the body's byproducts: dead tissue and sugars from food. Unless its environment is altered and its source of food is eliminated, it quickly monopolizes entire body systems, such as the digestive tract, and causes moderate to severe symptoms.
In patients with weakened immune systems, like those with AIDS or cancer, Candida in the bloodstream can (and often does) become the actual cause of death. Dr. Andrew Koh, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Microbiology at the UT Southwest Medical Center, estimates that for a cancer patient with a Candida infection in the bloodstream, the fatality rate is roughly 30 percent.5
Products that may interest you:
  • Vitality SuperGreen

    Vitality SuperGreen

    Complete Superfood Nutrition

    Benefits for the common condition of leaky gut* - formulated with ingredients shown to maintain a healthy gut lining1,2,3
    What makes Vitality SuperGreen different from all the other green drinks on the market today? It’s the very alkalizing formula - the fermented algae blend, red marine blend, intestinal support blend and fermented green veggies —specially created by Donna Gates—that soothes and is very healing to the gut lining. A generous amount of nutrient-rich elements like L-glutamine, FOS from chicory inulin, GMO-free Sunflower Lecithin, and aloe vera extract (200:1) help establish and maintain a healthy inner ecosystem. We’ve spared no cost in blending together an extraordinary spectrum (or life force) of fermented algae and cereal grasses, fermented green veggies, enzymes, probiotics and food-based supplements providing you the highest quality fermented green drink on the market today.

    Nourish Your Inner Ecosystem with 2 scoops per day.

    Vitality SuperGreen:
    • Strengthens immunity so you feel more energetic and vibrant*
    • Offers an excellent source of complete nutrition - easily assimilated protein, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, lignans, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, and beneficial microflora*
    • Soy Free • Dairy Free/Vegan
    • Provides healthy food for beneficial microflora - a potent, mineral-rich blend of fermented algae and red marine algae4
    • Fermented to magnify bioavailability*
    • Rich in antioxidants
    • Detoxifies the body to help maintain a healthy weight*
    • Unlike many superfoods on the market today, Vitality SuperGreen tastes great!

Symptoms of Candida

When someone has Candida, they often appear to look very healthy on the outside. Therefore, most people (and even their healthcare professionals) are totally unaware that a serious infection lies deep within. The symptoms of Candida often mimic other illnesses, so it can be difficult to diagnose without testing. In fact, here at Body Ecology we often hear people tell us: "I'm the healthiest-looking sick person I know." In other words, people actually feel much worse than they look.
Please note these common Candida symptoms are also associated with many other disorders — making diagnosing this problem even more difficult:
  • Bad breath
  • Bloating, belching, intestinal gas, and/or abdominal pain
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Endometriosis or infertility
  • Fatigue and chronic fatigue
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Impotence
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of sexual desire or feeling
  • Muscle aches, weakness, or paralysis
  • Pain and/or swelling in joints
  • Poor memory, foggy thinking, or feeling "spacey"
  • Prostatitis
  • Troublesome vaginal itching, burning, or discharge
It would benefit everyone to use this Candida questionnaire. Your results can be discussed with your doctor but be mindful: Most physicians are not aware of systemic fungal infections. The ones who are believe an anti-fungal drug will solve the problem. Bring this article along with you as you consider treatment options!

Why Fungal Infections Are Becoming More Common

Why are so many people affected by fungal infections like Candida?
Some of the more common causes are listed below. Please note that all of these factors are related to weakened immunity, weakened adrenals, and low levels of minerals needed to maintain a slightly alkaline blood environment:
  1. Gut diversity has changed - With less diversity in our gut microbiome, our bodies are more susceptible to pathogens that weaken the immune system.
  2. Widespread use of antibiotics and other drugs - Drugs create an acidic environment in our blood, which weakens our immunity.
  3. Success in treating diseases like AIDS/HIV - Creating a subgroup of people susceptible to fungal infections due to lowered immunity.
  4. Poor food quality - Because of modern agricultural practices that deplete the soil of precious minerals, even the healthiest foods are not what they used to be. Eating these mineral-poor foods, and especially GMOs, creates an acidic blood environment.
  5. Poor diets - The Standard American Diet is not only full of sugar and processed foods, it also lacks minerals. This sets the stage for an unhealthy inner ecosystem and lowered immunity.
If you have a strong immune system, you could still unknowingly have a fungal/yeast infection. It most likely is low-grade and chronic. You might notice that your fungal infection seems to at times "flare up," even becoming "acute" any time your immune system is suppressed for any reason: stress, upset, pregnancy, or illness.
It's clear that keeping our immunity strong is imperative, and this is one of the main benefits of Body Ecology's program.

Yeast Infections: More Serious Than You Think

A woman who has vaginal yeast infections is led to believe (from popular television commercials) that the problem is only in her birth canal or is an unsightly infection on her toenails. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, roughly 75 percent of women will get a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime.6 But in fact, these are merely "symptoms" of an infection that is actually in her bloodstream. If she should become pregnant, her unborn baby is also at risk.
Some women who never have vaginal infections believe they are free of the problem when indeed they will have differing symptoms manifesting in other ways.
At Body Ecology, we are seriously concerned that an entire generation of young women of child-bearing age are being kept in the dark about the causes of Candida and of its potential impact on their children. We know that fungal infections are in all children with autism and also their mothers. We know autism begins in the womb when the fetus is exposed to the fungus. In fact, an entire generation of children are at risk for being on the autism spectrum because the truth is not being told about Candida.
Fungal infections like Candida can affect anyone at any age — pre-birth to elderly. Many of us were actually infected at birth. This sets the stage for an entire lifetime of weakened immune systems and poor health. With the widespread overuse of antibiotics and other drugs coupled with a processed, high-carb diet, fungal/yeast infections are currently affecting the well-being of at least four generations living today.

Body Ecology: Nature's Prescription

Even doctors themselves are not trained to understand how serious and prevalent fungal infections are. In medical school, physicians are taught that fungal infections can take lives if they become acute. They are taught to prescribe the "safest and most effective" drugs for a condition or set of symptoms, and for fungal infections, they will certainly prescribe the "drug of choice" in a billion dollar spectrum of anti-fungal drugs.
Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects and create an acidic condition in your body.
The search for stronger and stronger anti-fungals continues because the fungi have the ability to mutate. Current anti-fungals are becoming ineffective. While modern medicine is beginning to see that fungi/yeast are truly serious opponents and that all drugs have side effects, they still do not understand the power of diet to control these infections.
Most doctors simply haven't been properly introduced to the idea that the food a person is eating and digesting throughout the day is the single most important factor in overcoming these fungal infections. They are never trained to understand the meaning of the words:
Food is medicine.
For healing fungal infections like Candida, it's critical to go on an anti-fungal diet. Here's what you can expect from the anti-fungal Body Ecology Diet. It:
  • Is totally sugar-free, gluten-free, and casein-free and won't feed the Candida.
  • Includes fermented foods and drinks to build your inner ecosystem.
  • Is an antidote to the harmful effects of antibiotics.
  • Provides minerals, which Candida robs from your body.
  • Heals digestion — poor digestion further feeds the yeast.
The Body Ecology Way has evolved over the past 20 years. While we may appear to be a new arrival on the scene, our system of health and healing has actually been refined and perfected over many years. Today, thankfully, many people (including physicians) are beginning to look at our programs for various disorders. We continue to research to find natural solutions for health and vitality for the generations to come. The Body Ecology Way is the most complete, comprehensive, and successful system for treating fungal infections. Since 70 percent of Americans have Candida, we can assume that worldwide numbers are staggering. Many people of all ages need knowledge of how to heal their bodies from the inside and sustain this healing for the long-term.

2 Ways to Heal YOUR Fungal Infection

Start the Body Ecology program today and nourish yourself to great health! Donna Gates wrote The Body Ecology Diet as a way to guide people toward their own natural health and healing.
In the book, you will learn how to heal your inner ecosystem. There are two important ways you can keep your inner ecosystem strong:
  1. Vitality SuperGreen - Enjoying a powerful green drink every morning can provide minerals and probiotics and ensure a healthy gut lining. It's also a great afternoon energizer.
  2. Young Coconut Kefir and Cultured Vegetables - These fermented foods and drinks are another staple to enjoy at each meal to provide key vitamins and minerals, aid digestion, and build a healthy inner ecosystem. You can make them at home with our culture starters.
The Body Ecology program empowers you to create your own health, naturally. Eight out of 10 Americans would benefit greatly from our first-stage (more limited) version of the Body Ecology program, until their fungal infection is well under control and the Candida has been contained. If you are very strict with yourself, this will take approximately three months. After that, we encourage you to widen out into a less strict version of our program, adding in foods that are still very healthy but that do not feed a yeast infection. This way, you can maintain health, energy, and youthful vitality throughout the rest of your life.

What To Remember Most About This Article:

The latest research tells us something shocking about Candida — up to 70 percent of all people may be suffering from a systemic fungal infection. Candida is considered to be the predominant fungal infection behind human disease.
Candida as a fungus starts as a microscopic organism that can live harmlessly in the body. But when immunity is weak and the inner ecosystem is out of balance, Candida grows into a full-blown fungal infection, also called a yeast infection. Common symptoms of Candida are easily overlooked because they are associated with a number of health problems — like bloating and abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea, infertility and impotence, chronic fatigue, mood swings, muscle aches, and more.
Fortunately, your health is still in your hands. You can control Candida by restoring your inner ecology first of all. Drinking a superfood drink like Vitality SuperGreen can strengthen the gut lining to keep Candida contained. Enjoying fermented foods and beverages daily, like young coconut kefir and cultured vegetables, helps strengthen immunity and build a robust inner ecosystem. The Body Ecology Diet provides a complete anti-fungal diet plan to help you win the battle against Candida and reclaim your health

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