Thursday 23 May 2013

Candida causes depression

at is Candida ?

Candida is an overgrowth of a yeasty-fungus. However, most people relate to Candida through it's symptoms. Often covering many different systems within the body, Candida symptoms can be debilitating, frustrating and very stubborn. Even on strict Candida diets, which are not always appropriate or necessary, Candida can be erradicated and we work together to combat Candida.
Candida symptoms and associated conditions we see mostly commonly are: Bloating, fibromyalgia, muscle aches, fatigue, rashes, thrush, cystitis, eczema in babies, eczema in children and adults, asthma, dry skin, acne in teenagers, adult acne, bags under the eyes, food intolerances, coated tongue, oral thrush, weight gain, post-viral fatigue, severe fatigue, lack of focus, poor memory, loss of concentration, brain fog, PMS, menstrual irregularities, athletes foot, fungal infections, reflux, wind, flatulence, indigestion, constipation, ADHD, chronic fatigue, sinus problems, catarrah, glue ear, behavioural problems, learning difficulties,  depression, feeling like a cloud is hanging over you, lack of get up and go, lack of vitality or zest for life, infertility, low sperm count, poor sperm mobility, cell changes, cancer, prostate enlargement, sore throats, dry cough, flu's and persistent or re-occurring colds, celllulite, cravings for certain foods.

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