Tuesday 24 April 2012

more about Candida

What is it?

Scanning electron photomicrograph of Candida Albican
Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida species (all yeasts), of which Candida albicans is the most common. Also commonly referred to as a yeast infection, candidiasis is also technically known as candidosis, moniliasis, and oidiomycosis.
Candida can occur both in the digestive tract and can spread systemically. It is a social and medical dilemma without easy access to answers or remedies of permanence. Literally millions of men and women have a potential yeast infection that is causing, directly or indirectly, a significant number of existing health problems or conditions. If it is not completely removed and/or the body protected, it will continue to grow and will reduce your resistance to a host of physical aliments and complications. The devastation and discomforts that await the body because of this insidious and tenacious parasite is immeasurable and in most cases the means of its removal or control is inadequate. Going from doctor to doctor and product to product is not the answer. It requires special attention and knowledge to overcome a serious to severe yeast infection and the following information will introduce you to a "Candida Yeast Answer Program" that definitely has the advantage of complete and permanent removal of most Candida Yeast conditions. If you have a yeast overgrowth, or if you know of others who are bothered or incapacitated by the presence of a yeast infection, then please read the enclosed information and/or give to those who you feel may benefit. This particular program is remarkably effective and you will find a thorough and scientific explanation that promises and end to a rather difficult situation.
Candida Images
Candida Paronychia Candida Onychomycosis
Candida Paronychia of the Nails Candida Onychomycosis
of the Nails
Chronic Candidiasis of the Fingernails
Oral candidiasis in AIDS Oral candidiasis in AIDS Scanning electron photomicrograph of Candida Albican Candidiasis of the Groin & Vulva


Candida Destroys Your Health

Candida Albicans has become a household word for many health conscious Americans. Candida is a yeast that lives in the human digestive system. It has the ability to change from a yeast and become a fungus. As a fungus it operates in a similar fashion to any other fungus such as athletes' foot fungus, etc. Candida is kept at low levels by the friendly bacteria that also reside in the digestive tract. The friendly bacteria feed on the Candida, thus a balance in the body is maintained. Modern medicine's "gift" of antibiotics, birth control pills, cortisone and chemotherapy kill this friendly bacteria as do street drugs, alcohol, and junk food diets. Once this friendly bacteria has been destroyed, the yeast begins to overgrow and take over the digestive system. Left untreated, it becomes a fungus and grows into a plant-like structure complete with roots. These roots can break through the intestinal walls, allowing the yeast to travel to other areas of the body such as the sinuses, throat, reproductive organs, the lungs and skin just to name a few. It is capable of producing over 100 symptoms. This makes it extremely frustrating for anyone with this condition to be able to find out or understand what is exactly wrong with them. Billions are spent each year on antibiotics, creams, nasal sprays, unnecessary hospital visits, operations and antidepressants, due to the ignorance and arrogance of the medical profession. It is written in their own journals that antibiotics can cause this condition yet they continue to boldly prescribe them and are resentful when discussing their side effects. One doctor who was backed into a corner on this subject during a radio talk show became hysterical with fear and began screaming: "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS CANDIDA!"
The symptoms of Candida are so confusing that even a practitioner who wants to know about it can be confused. I truly believe that proper testing is the answer. It is my deep-seated belief that those who want to get well must find a practitioner who offers accurate testing. This way the real problem can be found and not overlooked. Look over the list of all the possible symptoms Candida can cause and you will see why I so firmly believe that by symptoms alone one can be misled into treating a "major symptom" and miss the true culprit. Candida Albicans is a negative YEAST INFECTION that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. It is a strong, invasive parasite that attaches itself to the intestinal wall and becomes a permanent resident of your internal organs. It is causing numerous health problems and discomfort for over 30 million men and women every day and it is estimated that nearly everyone has or will have a moderate to serious Candida condition eventually in their lives. Experience has shown that if you do not successfully remove 95% of all the Candida, it will come back.
A yeast cell produces over 75 known toxic substances that consistently poisons the human body. These toxins contaminate the tissues where it weakens the immune system, the glands, the kidneys, bladder, lungs, liver and especially the brain and nervous system. Candida yeast can become so massive and invasive that is enters the FUNGAL form where it provides very long, root-like structures that penetrate the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal wall. This penetration breaks down the protective barrier between the intestinal tract and bloodstream, allowing many foreign and toxic substances to enter and pollute the body systemically. As a result, proteins and other food wastes that are not completely digested or eliminated can assault the immune system and cause tremendous allergic reactions, fatigue and many other health problems. It also allows the Candida itself and bacteria to enter the bloodstream, from which it may find its way to other tissues, resulting in far- ranging effects such as soreness of the joints, chest pain, sinus and skin problems, etc. An autopsy done on a lady who had died of heart failure for no apparent reason, found that her heart was encased with Candida yeast. Vaginal yeast infections are more prevalent today than ever, and they will never completely go away until the yeast has been cleared from the intestinal area. To make matters worse, Candida can be sexually transmitted from one person to another.
Candida covers the intestinal wall which chemically and mechanically interferes with digestion and assimilation of food nutrients. Many people, especially senior citizens, cancer victims and those with AIDS are wasting away for want of nutrition because they cannot absorb what they eat. Many people digest less than 50% of their food because the Candida creates a digestive conflict and robs them of their nutrition. Candida creates chaos in the intestines and diseases of which the doctors have little or no answer and can use only medicines to treat it.

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