Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Can happen before or after childbirth

A fault at the top of your spine can have wide reaching effects throughout your entire body. The slightest misalignment or imbalance in upper most region of your spine could lead to one or many of a myriad of symptoms and conditions:
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • neck & back pains
  • distorted body posture
  • muscles tenderness
  • decreased strength and flexibility
  • and more
Most of the time, the above symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg.  That pain and discomfort is your body letting you know something is wrong.
Having your head balanced correctly atop your neck and a properly aligned spine are crucial for your whole body to function as it should.  It all starts with having your head on straight.  When things are not right, its like dominoes falling.

Putting the Pieces Together!

An unbalanced head and neck can negatively influence your:
  • spine & posture
  • nerves
  • muscles
  • organs/body functions
The idea or principle behind the NUCCA upper cervical chiropractic correction is that perfectly aligning the head, neck, and body allow the flow of nerve impulses to travel unhindered from the brain to all areas of the body with no interference (like eliminating static on a cell phone).  This is the body's most natural, neutral, energetic, and functional state.
When this occurs, immediate improvements in nerve activity, spinal mechanics, body posture, active & resting muscle function, flexibility, range of motion, strength, and balance follows.  Most people feel:
  • less pain/symptoms
  • less fatigue
  • more energy
  • more vitality
  • less tension
  • increased calm
  • more relaxed
  • better concentration and mental function
  • decreased joint pain
  • feeling of improved health and wellbeing
When your head is not balanced perfectly atop your neck and spine,  the negative effects trickle their way down through your entire body.

Spine & posture

When there is a misalignment at the top of the spine, your body will do everything in its power in an attempt to keep your head as straight as possible.  When this happens, the entire body twists and contorts to accommodate. The result of this is a visible twisting and torquing of the spine.  This can be seen (if looked for) as:
  • Head tilt (left or right)
  • Forward head posture (chin jutted forward)
  • Slouching forward (rolled shoulders)
  • Lateral curves to spine (scoliosis like)
  • pelvic rotation (or twist)
  • One hip higher than the other
  • One leg appearing longer than the other
  • More weight on one side or the other
This twisting not only leads to poor posture, but eventually leads to mechanical breakdown of the bone structure of the entire spine resulting in malfunction, disc herniations, degeneration, arthritis, spurs, or worse.  When the spine begins to break down, your body will do all it can to protect it.  This is often the cause of people saying, "my back went out."  Your back doesn't really go out so much as your back muscles go into complete spasm attempting to keep your spine from falling apart.


Your spinal cord is protected by your spine, but when your entire spine is twisted and torqued out of its normal neutral position problems can and do occur.  If your spinal cord is compressed, stretched, or otherwise stressed,  your brain cannot effectively send or receive  information correctly.  This can effect body function and even mental function. Improper nerve flow can result in numerous unwelcome symptoms:
  • general pain (with no apparent cause)
  • nerve pain
  • numbness
  • tingling
  • poor coordination and muscle control
  • poor concentration
  • brain fog


A misaligned spine give way to muscle imbalance.  Firstly, your muscles will do what your body tells them to do.  When your body is in perfect alignment, it hardly takes any energy to hold you upright.  When your whole body is twisted and torqued out balance, your muscle must fight and struggle just to keep you upright.  Your muscle do all the heavy lifting for you.  With that in mind, does it make sense that the muscle that are working the hardest to keep you upright will be the very same muscles that give you the most pain.  These muscles are the ones that are:
  • always tight
  • have painful knots
  • can never seem to relax
  • hurt all the time
Some people's bodies get so twisted and torqued that they experience whole body muscle aches rather than just one or two muscle groups.  Some times all it really takes to understand your aches and pains is a good look in the mirror.  Here are a few checks you can do to know if you are misaligned.
Just like your organs, your muscle take direct orders from your nerves.  When your spine is torqued and compromising your spinal cord, its not hard to see the effects on your muscles.


Every organ in your body takes commands from your brain.  If your organs such as your stomach, pancreas or heart do not get the right information it can result in heart burn & indigestion, diabetes, or even heart issues like palpitations or arrhythmias.   Your whole body is literally run by your nerves, so it is not hard to see how many problems can occur because of poor nerve supply.

Short and Sweet:

A misaligned spine can cause a world of trouble and hurt.
Without exception, every function, aspect, and part of your body is inherently and essentially associated with each other.  When one aspect of your system is not functioning correctly, the rest will surely deteriorate as well.
A misalignment effecting the entire spine, results in:
  • degenerative spinal mechanics
  • deteriorating posture
  • poorly functioning nervous system
  • muscle imbalances and pain
  • organ dysfunction  and eventual disease
Your body depends upon all its part to work together as a perfect team. This all starts at the top.  Lets get things working better again; lets get your head on straight!