Sunday 7 December 2014

I searched Candida Borellia and Borellia Afzelii - Lyme Disease link- our immune system cannot cope even EBV mentioned, If Ebola strikes we won't stand a chance

Lyme Disease (Borreliosis)

You don’t need to have had a tick bite to have Lyme Disease (Borreliosis). Getting it diagnosed can be very difficult.

Borreliosis is an infection caused by the spirochete bacteria. Other spirochete bacteria infections include syphilis, Leptospirosis and Yaws, it is a nasty and effective group of bacteria. The relevant Borrelia types are: B. burgdorferi, B. afzelii and B.garinii. Borrelia belong to the family of Spirochetes and act like a cross between a bacteria and a parasite. It can burrow its way through tissue to reach deep into tendons, muscles, the heart and the brain within a week of an infection. This is an organism that loves collagen, the main protein in connective tissue.

Borrelia causes damage by direct tissue damage, inflammation, and toxin production. In addition, some of the proteins on the coat around borrelia are similar to myelin so can provoke an autoimmune reaction in the body to it’s own myelin. Borrelia has superb ‘bacterial’ abilities to be able to change the proteins on its coat to evade the immune system, it can even go into a coatless intracellular form. All of this makes it very difficult for the immune system to effectively fight it.

Borrelia infection can cause a huge range of different health problems. It is known as the ‘great imitator’ as it can mimic or cause a huge range of problems.
These are just a few of them:
  • Schizoaffective disorder 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis 
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity 
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Addison’s disease
  • Depression
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
  • Autism
  • Chronic Heart Failure
Toxins produced by Borrelia have a particular attraction to fatty tissue, nerve cells and the brain in general. These toxins and neurotoxins cause great disruption and damage to cells, affecting cell function, the release of neurotransmitters, hormone function, enzyme activity and cell receptor activity. For instance chronic fatigue due to Borreliosis can be explained because its toxins block a vital cell calcium channel that is involved in energy processes in the cell. 


Borrelia (bacteria) tends not to be the only infection that a person with Borreliosis has. There are usually a variety of co-infections that are also contributing to the illness. These are present due to being also carried by the biting insect/ food or person transmitting the infection. They can also be present at a low level in a person who contracts Borreliosis, which then enables them to become activated and symptomatic.
These are the more common: Babesia (protozoa), Ehrlichia (rickettsia), Coxiella (rickettsia), Bartonella (bacteria), Mycoplasma (L-form), and Viruses (esp. Epstein Barr Virus EBV and Cytomegalovirus CMV). They are all taking advantage of a weakened immune system to wreak havoc on the body. 
If such an infection is present it could be an indication of a not yet discovered borrelia infection.

Frequently Occuring Metabolic Problem: KPU (HPU)

Borellia is also know to cause KPU (Kryptopyrrol). It is correctly called HemoPyrrollactamUria (HPU) but still known as KPU (Kryptopyrrol) and has been found in 80% of Lyme patients. It was discovered by Abraham Hoffer, who found it in the urine of his schizophrenic patients. KPU (HPU) is a frequent issue in people with heavy metal toxicity, Borreliosis, Multiple sclerosis MS, Autism and other neurological diseases. People with KPU (HPU) also lose too much zinc, manganese and B6 through the urine. Replacing these nutrients can really help a person with Borreliosis to respond to treatment.
It's obvious that the same patients time and time again suffer from heavy metal poisoning, who also develop a multiple chemical sensitivity and repeatedly suffer from Lyme disease. Dr. Klinghardt

Who and How many are Affected?

The estimates are that 18 million people in the USA are infected with Lyme Disease (Borreliosis). Of this number, a great many will be symptom free but carry the disease. Some estimates are that 50% of all chronic illness has a Borrelia component to it. Borrelia is massively under diagnosed in Europe and the US.
Not everyone who encounters the Borrelia spirochete will be infected, and of those infected, most will have a latent infection, one that causes no real damage or symptoms. This can be the case for very many years. 
Rephrase: You can be exposed to Borrelia by an insect bite or other route of transmission, and in many people the immune system will fight the borrelia and completely eradicate it.
In a large number of people, the immune system is partially successful, the borrelia is not eradicated but is kept at a low level. This is also known as a latent infection.

If So Many Are Carrying Borrelia, When is Treatment Required?

  • When borrelia is suspected and one can see metabolic changes as described under "Test procedure"
  • Immediately after an imbedded tick is found or a bulls eye redness is seen. Any delay might cause severe complications at a later date
  • Whenever Borrelia is testing positive

Why do some People get it and not Others?   

Only 25-50 % of the infected people will get ill. The key factor here is the immune system. As long as it is strong and vital it will eliminate the pathogenic agents without help.
Typically the infection only becomes symptomatic when a person becomes immuno-supressed for some reason. Following factors can lower immunity and make a person more vulnerable:
Severe physical stress, physical or mental trauma, psychological stress, lack of sleep, adrenal fatigue, poor diet, heavy metal toxicity, high exposure to environmental toxins, some medical drugs such as immunosupressants, chemotherapy and steroids, illicit drugs, high alcohol consumption, genetic variations in the immune system, chronic disease…

Modern Toxicity – and its Key Role in Borreliosis

Toxicity from heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead, etc), chemicals and mycotoxins (moulds, antibiotic residues, yeasts etc) alters the effectivness of the immune system. These toxins can cause suppression of immune activity by affecting different areas of the immune system or by blocking the absorption or activity of key infection fighting nutrients. Toxins can also cause the immune system to be activated against body tissues, causing autoimmune disease.
A suppressed immune system makes it possible for Borellia to infect a person, or to move from a dormant infection that is just carried in the body, to a full blown case of Borreliosis.

Methods of Transmission

The point of this list is to show how many possible routes of infection there are, not just the tick bite: 
  • Tick bite
  • Insects like Mosquitos, Fleas, etc.
  • Blood Transfusions from a infected person
  • Exchange of body fluids with an infected person
  • Unpasteurized Milk from an infected cow
  • Trans-Placental to Fetus from an infected mother
  • Breast Feeding
  • Food
Each individual chance of infection depends on whether a person has a robust, unpoisoned immune system, or naturally good immunity to borrelia.

Tests for Borreliosis / Lyme Disease

The current ‘medical’ tests for Lyme disease are extremely unreliable, with a huge amount of false negatives – people who have Borreliosis but are testing as negative for Borrelia. These tests are the Western Blot test and ELISA. These rely on the patient being able to produce effective antibodies to Borrelia, something which often only happens when they have been treated effectively and can fight the infection. A negative Western Blot does not and cannot prove the absence of the infection. These tests are more reliable in late and disseminated stages of Lyme disease. Newer tests are being developed but are not yet officially approved as reliable and accurate (as of Mid 2010).

Borrelia and Neuroborreliosis expert Dr Klinghardt, finds that the following laboratory tests show the metabolic effects of Borrelia and so can be diagnostic:
  • Abnormal lipid profile (moderate cholesterol elevation with significant LDL elevation)
  • Insulin resistance
  • Borderline low white blood cells, normal SED rate and CRP
  • Normal thyroid hormone tests but positive Barnes test and excellent response to giving T3
  • Type 2 (high cortisol, low DHEA) or type 3 adrenal failure (low cortisol and DHEA)
  • Low testosterone and DHEA
  • Decreased urine concentration (low specific gravity)
  • Complex changes in cytokines, interferones, NK cells, white blood Cell indicators, etc.
If you have some of these test and lab results, it may be useful to consider Borreliosis as a possible cause. The Borrelia test tends only to be positive once the body builds up enough resistance to Borrelia, therefore it can also indicate that the treatment is working. If tested at that point  one can reliably use the test  results and can  clearly see when Borrelia is eradicated.
Western medicine tests have been unable to detect Borrelia in its early stages and before there are antibodies. The only methods that can detect it early are medically unrecognised tests such as kinesiology or Energy Medicine Devices.
These early test methods for Borrelia and its co-infections can help to map out an appropriate treatment – for instance one can check if additional nutritional support is required. This kind of testing is also wise if a person has a chronic disease and suspects Borreliosis.
Each individual chance of infection depends on whether a person has a robust, unpoisoned immune system, or naturally good immunity to borrelia. Statistically speaking, you only need to be bitten by a mosquito five times in the USA to have a 100% chance of contracting Lyme disease. Dr. Klinghardt

Medical Treatment

Antibiotics are the medical doctors treatment of choice for Borreliosis. They are given when there has been a so called typical history of tick bite with the bulls eye erythema, and/or a positive blood test for borreliosis.

This has the greatest chance of success if used in the first 3 weeks after infection. As many cases are not being transmitted by tick bite, not everyone shows the characteristic rash, and there is a high rate of false negatives on the blood tests, many people are being missed. Some medical doctors experienced in treating Lyme disease advocate the use of antibiotics for 6 months or more rather than a few weeks. There are a large amount of people who have found the antibiotic treatment did not get rid of their Borelliosis or it made them feel worse. This is why:

Borrelia is pleomorphic – literally many forms- and can change in the body into a round form that does not have a cell wall. This tactic can render it invisible to the immune system, which needs information proteins on the outside of the cell wall to home onto for attack. Borrelia can also change back to a spirochete form with cell wall – it is a versatile creature. Another trick up this spirochete’s sleeve is the ability to turn into it’s intracellular cell wall deficient phase when under attack from antibiotics, and then change it’s genetic sequencing too, causing a release of toxins into the body and making the victim feel even worse. The toxins produced can get into the brain and cause a herxheimer reaction in 1 in every 7 Lymes patients treated. In other words, Borrelia can hide from antibiotics, while releasing a whole load of toxins that make a person feel far worse, and that cause damage to the body.

Antibiotics destroy the gut flora, removing a large and vital part of the body’s immune defense. Gut bacteria are also vital for the production and assimilation of nutrients. Once the gut flora is destroyed, opportunistic bacteria and yeasts can colonise the gut and lead to dysbiosis and candida.

Antibiotics are also a major cause of leaky gut, which makes the gut wall too permeable, allowing larger food proteins to pass through to the blood stream. This can cause problems with the immune system, joints, liver and brain.

Natural Treatment

Antibiotics can not only be ineffective for many patients with borreliosis, they are also immunosuppressive. Since the immune system plays an important role in both the elimination of chronic infections and in maintaining optimal health afterwards, we have researched and developed a sustainable therapeutic approach.

Borrelia has complex and changing forms giving it the ability to form new and different pathogens. Together with a given risk of new infections at any time this means that in order to treat Borrelia infections you have to do more than just attack the Borrelia.
Everyone in today's world has a burden of heavy metal, chemical and fungal toxicity. The amount of immunosupression this causes depends on the severity of this toxic burden. Parasitic microorganisms such as borrelia are attracted to damaged or weakened tissues. There they settle and form a symbiotic relationship with the toxins. Therefore it is logical that in order to eradicate an infection such as Borrelia, reduction of the immunosuppressive toxic load is essential.

An Efficient and Effective Borrelia Treatment Should Include The Following Goals:

  • Fighting Borreliosis and it’s Co-Infections Through Killing the Parasitical Micro Organisms: Over a short period our specially formulated product Biologo–Lyme creates an environment, that interrupts the life cycle of the borrelia and other pathogens. At the same time it attacks and kills the borrelia organisms with potent herbs. This impact is directed at the cellular level through the specially developed proprietary liposome technique. Therefore Biologo-Lyme is effective at the extra and intra cellular levels, a fact that is unique and very important in the fight against borrelia.

  • Binding and Secure Excreting of the Bacterial Toxins Released: However just to kill the borrelia organism is not enough. Biologo-Lyme also contains micronised chlorella in order to bind the toxins that are released by the dying Borrelia, and ensures the excretion of toxins from the body. This ensures that toxins are eliminated right away before the can settle down in the fatty tissue or brain and cause further damage.

  • Repairing of the Damaged Tissue: Another vital component of Biologo-Lyme lies in the use of powerful herbs designed to repair the damage done by borrelia. Also these herbs are transported with the liposomal delivery technique directly into the cells.
  • Enhance And Strenghten the Immune System: This can be achieved with the detoxifing products of the Biologo-Detox-Line. Through the use of these products the body improves it’s ability to fight Borrelia and other pathogens in the body in a natural way. Once the main toxic burden is removed, the metabolism and immune system can repair quickly, which then makes it easier to treat the borrelia and requires less remedies.Depending on the severity of the borrelia symptoms a detox can be done introductory, during or after a borrelia treatment, (see therapeutic protocol)

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