Tuesday 9 December 2014

Candida and rapid heartbeat

Yeast (candida)
--Modern-day Deadly Enemy--
When I was growing up, yeast was something used to raise bread dough.  I was taught to believe that it was a basic necessity of life and certainly nothing to fear.  But that was then.  Now there is a variety of yeast, candida albicans, which can actually invade the body and do serious harm to every organ and system therein. Modern medicine recognizes that yeast does exist naturally in the body.  In fact women often have to deal with the problem on a day-to-day basis because yeast loves a warm moist environment in which to grow and multiply.  Unfortunately, yeast can migrate to the alimentary canal and begin to proliferate there as well.  Still this will not create a major problem other than some bloating and constipation and perhaps a little irritation in the lining of the gut.  It is only when population levels reach astronomical levels under the pressure of a weakened immune system or when one’s body’s good micro-flora populations drop due to antibiotic use or the influence of other drugs (e.g. birth-control pills) that there can become a major problem. When population levels of yeast and fungi reach a critical mass, there is an interesting thing that happens.  It actually morphs and changes into something other than single yeast cells.  It now creates “stringers” that act like “roots” that can “punch” a hole into the lining of the gut penetrating it much like a drill.  This creates a “bridge” into the rest of the body.  Yeast, no longer being “contained” in the alimentary canal, can explore and invade any of the organs of the body via the blood and lymph system. Yeast loves to “munch” on your body’s reserve of nutrients leaving only toxic byproducts in its stead.  Your body then has to try to eliminate this poison which puts a demand on “stored” energy from the liver.  In time this store becomes depleted leaving the victim enervated and in a state of depression.  Of course with little fuel for the body, the brain becomes impacted with low glucose levels resulting in “brain fog.” It is just a matter of time before the body follows suit in a downward spiraling of health.  The symptoms can be many and seem to be oftentimes unrelated, for example: gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. bloating, gas and constipation); respiratory complaints; menstrual problems; brain, neurological and psychological problems (e.g. excessive anger); urogenital complaints; skin irritations (e.g. acne, eczema, psoriasis); ear infections and ringing in the ear; musculoskeletal irritations and problems (e.g. arthritis); intolerance or allergy to beverages and foods containing dietary yeasts and molds; chemical intolerances (e.g. perfumes, new carpets, cigarette smoke, etc.); inhalant allergies (e.g. dust, mold and mildew); heart and circulatory (e.g. cold hands and feet, mitral valve prolapse, rapid heartbeat); sensory problems (i.e. increased sensitivity to noise or light, deafness, blurry vision, watery eyes, etc.); autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, MS, thyroiditis, anemia, lupus, myasthenia gravis, scleroderma); and miscellaneous other problems (e.g. food allergies, underweight/overweight, cancer, general ill feeling, AIDS, cravings for sweets, alcohol, bread and cheese, hot and cold sweats, edema, elevation of blood alcohol levels without alcohol consumption. The foregoing ailments can be directly caused by or associated with yeast overgrowth.  Of course, many problems listed may have other causes as well.  If you can identify with enough of these symptoms in yourself, you may want to pursue a course of action to rid your body of yeast to see if you get some relief of symptoms.  The most often prescribed course of action to rid the body of yeast is actually beneficial for everyone’s health. Yeast overgrowth can be controlled by such healthful practices as consuming less dietary sugars and sugar products, including a good lactobacillus strain in your line of supplements and increasing the oxygen content in your bloodstream.  Regarding the later, most, if not all, harmful pathogens (yeasts, bacteria, fungi, viruses, molds, etc.) thrive in an anaerobic state.  That is, they hate oxygen!  Why? Oxygen “burns” or oxidizes these harmful critters.  In addition, oxygen boosts the body’s metabolism increasing its energy reserves that “fuel” and mobilize the immune system to go out and fight whatever is left after the initial fray is finished.  Oxygen also helps heal whatever tissue damage was done by the pathogens during their reign of terror.  For these reasons, boosting oxygen levels in the body can be one of the most powerful weapons for overcoming polysystemic candidiasis and returning the body to a natural state of health and balance.  Ozone, fortified oxygen, can get the job done many times faster.  Of course there are many other things that can and should be done as a part of a complete program, but it cannot be overstated the importance of oxygen levels in the tissue and blood. Yeast, once thought to be a benign single cellular “plant” life form, can wreak literal havoc in the body of one whose immune system has been compromised by one of many causes.  It is for this reason that anyone suffering from a wide range of seemingly unrelated symptoms should at least suspect the common “yeast” as a possible and probable causative factor in the body and do everything possible to eradicate it before it has time to do irreversible damage.  There is no harm in such an assumption and the possible gains can be life changing. by MTK *(See candida cleanse program)

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