Friday 19 September 2014

Stress can cause misalignment

Can the Atlas shift out of place again after the treatment?

In most cases the ATLANTOtec® method of correction of the Atlas is performed only once and remains permanent. In rare cases, the Atlas may return to the previous incorrect position, or to a position somewhere between the correct position and the one before treatment.

In such cases (diagnosed by spiral CT before and after treatment), in which the Atlas returned to the wrong position, the following characteristics were observed.
verschobene AtlaswirbelA deformed Atlas or occipital condyles,
  • probably caused by years of bad positioning under the load of extremely severe cervical muscular contractions (this is why it is important to correct the Atlas in children). Where there is severe deformation, the Atlas tends to return to the original incorrect position because it is better adapted (in rare cases).
  • New trauma caused by a severe impact or whiplash.
  • Hypermobility (hyperlaxity) of the ligaments: in this case the ligaments concerned may not be capable of ensuring the proper stability of the atlanto-occipital joint, and allow the Atlas to assume a permanently incorrect position.
  • Constant asymmetrical muscular contractions, particularly in the neck, due to stress or other factors.

What should you do if you feel the Atlas has become misaligned again?

After treatment, people often attempt to locate the position of the Atlas with their own fingers. They often believe they have discovered something, but the impression is often deceptive. It is very difficult to reliably determine the position of the Atlas by oneself, and whether or not it is located in the correct position. Examination of the condition of the Atlas is practically impossible without a trained finger and the necessary direct experience.

Many people have an unjustified fear that the Atlas can misalign itself through head movements once more. Others think that their Atlas is straight, even if this is not the case. It is reassuring to know that an Atlas realigned with the ATLANTOtec® method hardly ever returns to its former misaligned position.

Everyday life, movements or common sports (except for combat sports and such) do not influence or change the position of the Atlas. The same is true for the sleeping position.

After treatment the regeneration phase begins with potential reactions, which can be similar to the earlier symptoms. This does NOT mean that the Atlas is no longer positioned correctly. Usually, reactions only occur for a limited time, and then "wander" around the body or disappear, often for good.

If the former symptoms remain unchanged, without any change in intensity or location, an examination of the Atlas-position is undertaken by the treating Atlastechnician. This examination is free of charge.

Having said this, there are rare cases in which the Atlas is misaligned again due to exceptional circumstances. In these cases the treatment can be performed once more without any problems – we offer repeat treatment.

Atlaskorrektur wiederholen

Repeat treatment

Even after Atlas correction the musculature can tense up again after a time, owing to stress or the influence of other negative factors such as misalignment of the jaw, unilateral strain, hyperacidity or mineral deficiency, etc., even if the Atlas is in the correct position.

In such cases we offer an additional service:

Using a similar method to the preparatory massage with the two vibration devices AtlantoVib2010 in the first Atlas adjustment treatment, the entire back and neck musculature is eased again. This can specifically treat problem zones such as the shoulder blades, lumbar region, sacroiliac joint, etc.

  • Check the position of the Atlas and if necessary readjust it (very seldom necessary).
  • Photographs of posture (reveal progress in improving posture over a longer period of time).
  • Mechanical massage of back/neck, etc. as required, performed using special equipment (AtlantoVib 2010).
Cost and duration of the treatment

What can be done if ATLANTOtec® does not work?

As is well known, there are two sides to every coin. For transparency's sake, we also tell you about the other side. For most patients, the ATLANTOtec® treatment goes smoothly, but a small percentage (2-3%) of treatments do not bring the desired results. In this small number of cases, after the regeneration phase there is no improvement in the condition, and some even have the feeling that they are getting worse.

Please note that a regeneration phase is necessary after the treatment. If you do not recover immediately in the days following treatment, this doesn't mean that your Atlas is not in place or has not been corrected. You have to allow the body time to regenerate.

Furthermore, even the best Atlas technician isn't perfect. Identifying the position of the Atlas with the help of the fingers is a special challenge and not always easy. In order to palpate or detect the Atlas by hand it is necessary to feel through several layers of muscle. How well the Atlas technician is able to do so also depends on the degree of tension in the client's neck muscles, and individual anatomical circumstances.

Spiral-CT ComputertomografieIf the musculature has hardened completely and is left/right asymmetrical, the palpation may sometimes deliver the wrong results. Sometimes the muscle fibers are so hard that they feel like bones.

What can be done in this case? In this case, computed tomography (spiral CT) of the Atlas and the underlying cervical section by a specialist in radiology is recommended in order to identify precisely what it was not possible to discern with the fingers. This provides more information in relation to the position of the Atlas. The Atlas technician can immediately evaluate whether the spiral CT scan is needed or not. With the image results, it is then possible to carry out the necessary correction (the Atlas technician) will not charge you for the readjustment; there may however be a charge for the CT).

Should there be no significant progress after treatment, this technique makes it possible to reliably rule out the Atlas as the origin of the complaints, because the problem has a different origin.

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