Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Atlas subluxation affects the brain

About Atlas Subluxation Complex:
(C-1 Vertebrae Misalignment)

What do headaches, muscle pain, depression, fatigue. dizziness, ringing in the ear, allergies, and high blood pressure have in common?  All are symptoms of misalignment of the C-1 (Atlas Vertebrae).  This vertebrae is connects the brain stem and spine, and therefore is rich in nerve endings that communicate and send messages to the entire body.  That is why when the C-1 is not properly aligned, it is possible to experience a wide variety of physical and emotional symptoms.   Spine
The nervous system is the master control of all systems of the body, and communications must be unrestricted in order for the brain to be able to diagnose the body’s needs. Imbalance in this system can result in energy blockages which can then become an underlying cause of illnessThe proper adjustment of C-1 can remove interference to normal nerve function and create an an environment of health and healing in the body.
The diagnosis and treatment is rather simple:
A chiropractor who is specially trained in either the NUCCA System (National Upper Cervical Association) or other similar protocol, will do a visual exam as well as a series of neck x-rays to determine if treatment is required. The treatment itself is fast, painless, and very gentle, consisting of very light pressure applied to the neck/ear area. People often comment that they "didn't feel a thing."  But the results are generally very apparent, often with an immediate relief in symptoms.
The number of treatments you will need depends on many factors, including the type of condition you have, how long you have been subluxated, your general health, and how long the adjustment holds its restored position.

For more detailed information and to find a practitioner in your area, visit or call the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association at 1-800-541-5799. Two other sites of interest are: and
Thanks to Dr. Jason Nitzsche for providing this photograph of a C-1 adjustment

How A Diagnosis of Atlas Subluxation Complex Changed My Life

by Andrea Chervenak
Many years ago I had a negative chiropractic experience, so when an alternative practitioner I was working with suggested I consult with a chiropractor specialzing in the NUCCA system (Atlas/C-1 Alignment), I was reluctant to go. But after more than 10 years of suffering with vertigo, dizziness, and fatigue, I am so glad I followed her advice as I discovered that Atlas Subluxation (C-1 Misalignment) was a huge contributor to my debilitating symptoms. It is likely that my C-1 was likely subluxated for many, many years...and therefore it has taken a while for the treatments to take hold. But without a doubt this treatment has greatly aided in my healing, as well as  my overall health and sense of well-being.

I was very fortunate to find a local NUCCA* practitioner - a chiropractor specially trained to diagnose and treat misalignment of the C-1 vertebrae, also known as Atlas Subluxation Complex. (See websites listed above to find a practioner in your area)  After performing a visual exam and taking a series of x-rays, it was confirmed that my C-1 was out of alignment.  
I have been treated for Atlas Subluxation Complex for the few years, and have experienced dramatic relief from my symptoms.  I know when my C-1 is out of align because my symptoms begin to flare-up: I may start getting headaches,  and/or lower back pain. And if I go without treatment for too long the results can be more severe - dizziness, mild depression, constipation, and vertigo.  Even after all this time I am always amazed as to how immediate the relief from symptoms is after being adjusted.  Even the degenerative discs in my neck and back no longer cause discomfort, but will flare up if I am out of align. I do want to point out that not everyone has immediate relief, but with the proper adjustment, and a little patience, the results can be remarkable.
The treatment really is very gentle - there is no rough manipulation.  There are times I get an adjustment and feel absolutely nothing, or at most a very light touch to the ear or neck area.  If you suffer with the symptoms described above and the root cause has eluded you , or if you have an undiagnosed illness and have not found relief through any other means, I recommend you consider investigating Atals Subluxation (C-1 Misalignment) as the culprit! ~ Andrea Chervenak

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Brain,s drainage system discovered

Brain’s Drainage System Discovered
By on August 15th, 2012
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Our body comes with an inbuilt drainage system called the lymphatic system. The tissues in our body lie in a pool of fluid called the interstitial fluid. While most of this fluid is directly circulated and recirculated from and into the blood vessels (called the body’s circulatory system), about 1% of this fluid is re-circulated through a different route. Interstitial fluid enters a network of vessels called lymph vessels, which in turn drain excess proteins and waste material from this fluid and into larger blood vessels for recirculation or destruction. The lymphatic system is thus an accessory system that acts in parallel with the blood circulatory system to remove excess proteins and solutes from tissues.

Fluid Flow in the Brain

Apart from blood vessels, the brain also has a fluid called the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulating in its outer parts. This fluid maintains brain pressure and protects the brain from physical injury. However, a system analogous to the body’s lymphatic system has not been seen in the brain till date. This is surprising because the brain has a very high metabolic rate and brain cells are particularly sensitive to the balance of chemicals in their environment. So how does brain tissue drain waste? It has been speculated that the CSF could perform the drainage role in the brain.

Injecting Fluorescent Molecules into the Brain

How does waste from the brain tissue get out of the brain? If it is through the CSF, then the question becomes—how do tissues release their waste into the CSF which has so far been found only in the sub-arachnoid space, the outer areas of the brain? Researchers from the University of Rochester injected small amounts of fluorescent ‘tracer ‘molecules into the brain’s CSF, and as the name suggests, traced the destinations of these tracers by brain scans. They found new channels through which the CSF flows, right into the brain tissue, called brain parenchyma. They could trace the paths of these molecules, and using molecules of different sizes, they could estimate the volumes of these paths through the brain.

The thick vessel is an artery in the brain of a mouse. In green is cerebrospinal fluid in a channel along the outside of the artery. [Image Credit: University of Rochester medical Center]
They found that the CSF traverses the inner parts of the brain including the space around brain tissue in hitherto unknown channels that lie parallel to and on the boundaries of the brain’s arteries and veins, formed by cells called astrocytes. Moreover, when a water-transport gene called AQP4 was deleted in mice, fluid flow through this system was suppressed, meaning that water-transport helps build up the pressure to move things along in this system using bulk-flow or convection. The water-pressure creates a pressure allowing waste to be drained away faster. The brain’s lymphatic system has thus been found, and is being referred to as the ‘glymphatic system’, called so because cells called glial cells help create pressure.

Alzheimer’s Molecule Takes This Route

The researchers went one step further and traced the path of fluorescent-tagged amyloid b, the protein responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. They found that this protein travels along this route of ‘glymphatic’ blood vessels. This insight provides therapeutic possibilities. Improving flow through this system could speed up clearance of neurodegradative molecules like amyloid-beta from the brain. Conversely, impeding or reducing flow through this system might help retain vaccines or drugs in the brain tissue for a longer period of time. If these vessels are also routes for migrating cells, could the metastasis of cancerous tumour cells be dependent on this system too?
“Waste clearance is of central importance to every organ, and there have been long-standing questions about how the brain gets rid of its waste,” said Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc., lead author of the paper and co-director at the University of Rochester’s Center for Translational Neuromedicine. “This work shows that the brain is cleansing itself in a more organized way and on a much larger scale than has been realized previously.You can read about this research here and here.
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Super bugs

BBC Horizon re super bugs. Antibiotics have caused the problem They have killed our good bacteria, causing us leaky gut syndrome, caused us vitamin deficiency and also allowed Candida infection to enter our blood system infecting the total body,this has been allowed to thrive inside us since the 1980s. the health system is making us sick and then trying to cure us with the same drug that is making us sick in the first place thus creating a catch 22. Our immune system is already fighting Candida infection how can it then fight a further bacterial infection.

The west underestimate the body,s natural healing capabilities, they are corrupting that by the overuse of antibiotics. Our waste system is  quite capable of expelling a certain amount of toxins or poisons from our system and only needs drug intervention for say a fatal snake bite etc where drug intervention is required.

Monday, 10 September 2012


I have been diagnosed with a chronic bacterial infection

So I'm new here, just wanted to post this and see what you all think.
I was diagnosed with M.E/CFSi around 3 years ago, so I was just 17. Now 20 years old I had my blood sent off to Dr. AW. He confirmed an infection of
"Borrelia - like spirochaetal forms". Also;
"Bacterial forms i.e. Chlamydia Pneumoniae-like forms/Micro-cocci forms/small-form bacteria (all treated by the  Chlamydia Pneumoniae protocol)".
He has reccomended Samento for three months then we are going to have another look at my blood I think. Although, I am sort of delaying the Samento as I want to know just how much of my symptoms are down to Candida. I am in constant contact with Dr. SM for other health issues, so I think I may need some drug intervention for Candida. I have always struggled with it and don't want to load myself up with antibiotics yet, hence the Samento, abxi will probably screw my gut flora up again! Dr. AW also advised not to take vitamin Di as it has implications with chronic illness. The video he reffered me to is here;
In the phone consultation Dr. AW we briefly discussed my treatment of moderately sever acne with antibiotics approx three years ago. This was no prescribed my Dr. AW but my own GP.

It may be clear to me now that what I thought was my very violent and quick decent into M.E after taking antibiotics three years ago, was actualy massive die off symtpoms. It took me almost a year to get back to feeling a little bit 'normal', but I have never felt well since. I was on a high dosage of tetracycline, I think almost 500mg-750mg, daily for around 10-12 months.

I recently had a phone consultation with Dr. SM (Dr. SM is now my main doctor, Dr. AW is the doctor I go to for the issues I'm discssuing above) and her next step of treatment is revolving around chemical sensitivity, as I have a problem with perfumes/cleaning products etc. 
As far as prescription drugs go, I have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue by Dr. SM, I am currently taking Prednisolone (1mg) daily. Also I have poor pancreatic enzyme secretion and maldigestion of fats, so I am also taking Creon Micro.
I just thought you guys could give me some good advice maybe?
Thanks. Laughing

Welcome BA88,
What came to mind immediately is: were you taking probiotics? For four years I completely avoided stomach/digestive upsets by taking them while taking three or four abxi every day. Given your diagnosis, you may by now have an inkling of what lies ahead of you. When you decide to do it, we will be here for you.
Remember that the sooner you begin, the easier it will be (I didn't say easy, but maybe not as hard as you think) and the sooner it will be done.
3/9 Symptoms returning. Began 5 abxi protocol 5/9 Rifampin 600, Amox 1000, Doxyi 200, MWF Azith 250, flagyli 1000 daily. Began Sept 04 PPMSi EDSSi 6.7 Now good days EDSS 1 Mind, like parachute, work only when open. Charlie Chan  In for the duration.
Thank you for your kind comments. As it has almost been three years since I took the abxi I can't really remember. But for the most part I wasn't taking probiotics whilst on abxi. I have only started taking probiotics within the past year or so, give or take a few months. I have also started to grow my own cultured probiotic drink called 'kefir' it is excellent!  Just to clear up I was on the abx for maybe 10-12 months. 
I think my next step is to correct my Candida problem. I am experiencing stomach and digestive problems, and it also seems to be systematic - fungal nail infection, smelly armpits (sorry!), jock itch (double sorry!). I think I will try and get into contact with Dr. SM again soon and try and get to the bottom of my Candida problem once and for all.
As far as the Cpni and Borrelia-like spirochetal (sp?!) goes, what else can I do apart from taking Samento? I currently have quite a lot of supplementsi to take, but the most important ones concerning the Cpn and Borrelia seem to be vitamin c and salt? I take vitamin c three times a day with salt, total dosage of vitamin c is around 6,500mg and total dosage of salt would be 1/2 teaspoon.

Thanks again.
Diagnosed with chronic bacterial infection. Borrelia and Cpni.
A recent discussion about yeast here could give you some ideas for preventative measures before you begin antibiotics. Candida
If you look in the Getting Started section you will find the list of supplementsi recommended as adjuncts to support your body during treatment. A lot of us began the CAPi by taking the supplementsi first before any abxi, so you might want to consider that course of action now.
Progressive MSi dx2006. LDNi & CAPi: Wheldon version. All supps. Doxyi 200mg. Zithi 250mg. Metroi 400mg.Now Tinii. Pulses #52...I can because I think I can.
Hi BA88,
I'm not so sure how you'll be able to combine the recommendations with using CAPi if you're referring to this video by Marshall.  Do you see in that vid link where Marshall implicates the "good bacteria" as not so good?  He doesn't explicitly word it that clearly in that video but he doesn't believe in using any probiotics or any supplementsi including D. 
I was on that protocol for nearly 4 yrs and now I see that lack of supplementsi including D is not a good thing.  If you need to take probiotics, I think you ought to do that too like people on this site do.  
Personally, all the years I've been on abxi now starting in 2004, I haven't had any problems with candida and I only seldom take probiotics and try to eat yogurt but I'm not diligent. 
There are folks that thought they had yeast when in fact it was something else so be careful and look for other causes if you're having a rough time treating "yeast."  
BTW, as for the slide referring to the past 5 yrs and 500 cohorts, many of us are not recovered nor have we "reversed" our autoimmune conditions as is said there. (about 10 mins into the presentation)  Many of us had gotten sicker by resorting to low levels of Vitamin Di and no supplements.
I think you're getting some good advice here on this site and you may want/need to do a little more research for yourself first before deciding which way to go.  I personally am glad I didn't develop cancer or some other more dangerous condition by allowing my D levels to plummet to single digits and was able to turn that back around.
Do be careful.  Vitamin D can help you heal and is your friend.  Cool 
NACi 2.4g, Zithi 250mg/MWF, minoi 200mg, Tinii 5day/1g/5 pulses, Valcyte
Supplementsi, CFIDSi/FMSi, Hashimoto's, Psoriasis, PA, IBSi, Sec Addisons
Don't believe everything you think!  
Thats great thanks for the help, I have some garlic macerate lying around so I might give that a go first, when that runs out I'm gonna get some allicin. Thanks again.
Diagnosed with chronic bacterial infection. Borrelia and Cpni.
Welcom BA88.. I truly believe you need to do some additional research to understand the seriousness of the bacteria you have in your body and the havoc it can wreak. 
You obviously have not been cured of Lyme and CPNi is not erradicated with monotherapy (or herbs alone -- at least it's not been studied/proven.  You may eliminate "symptoms" but not the bacteria itself. )
There is SOOO much information here -- it would be helpful for you (and possibly your doc) to read the Stratton Patent...
IMOi (and I've been on the protocol since 4/2007)  this site started out as a support group for those following combination antibiotic protocol for the treatment of CPN.... it's becoming a bit confusing to newcomers as so many people are trying different "variations" and supplementsi. We are all here to learn how to get rid of this insidious bacteria.... but ultimately:
The basic's are all here, have been documented and proved by Dr. Stratton (and Wheldon).  I'd do some bigtime reading before deciding NOT to take antibioticsi.
Just my personal thoughts :).... and I'd definitely stay away from the Marshall treatment (edited ;0

JeanneRoz ~ DXi'd w/ CPNi 4/2007; 6/07 -"officially" dx'd w/CFIDSi/FM; also: HHV6, EBVi, IBSi-C, 100 Doxyi:BIDi; 500 mg Biaxin BIDi; Tindamax Pulses, B12 shots, ERFA Dessicated Thyroid,Cortef, Iodoral 25 mg, Vit D-6,000 uni
Ok thanks, I haven't ordered the samento yet, so thats ok. Just to clear up jeanneroz I haven't yet started any regime for Cpni or Borrelia but I will do some good reading to learn as much as is possible. Reenie - I didn't realise Marshall doesn't advise taking probiotics?! I haven't watched the video recently, but I do remeber the vitamin Di part. Just to clear up Dr. AW hasn't advised CAPi as I am struggling with Candida, he has only advised Samento for three months. I know I am not going to defeat these bacteria with just herbs, but it seems the only place I can start, is the herbs and maybe NACi. Along with liver flushes to help the liver, Dr. SM commented that my constant and daily headaches are down to liver congestion.
Maybe I should re-consider vitamin D...I really don't understand how it can be bad for you. I have watched the video but its quite in depth, I think I understand about 65% of it!
Diagnosed with chronic bacterial infection. Borrelia and Cpni.
Are you sure it's actually candida?  There are several other issues which mimic yeast or candida.  For example, I have psoriasis and I often get something which can be confused with fungus.  The best treatment I've found for psoriasis is actually Vitamin Di both applied topically in an rx cream and from the sun.
You might rethink candida in that it might be some other sort of low grade infection caused by low Vitamin D and a weakened state of your immunei system.  Yes, Vitamin D is antimicrobial.  Wink
As for Marshall, he is definitely against probiotics and D supplementation.  He believes we ought to strive to reduce all bacteria without adding any more to the gut, but I think this is not possible and not probable or even a good idea.  
If you do a search on his site, you can read more on probiotics.  Here's one such Q&A comment on yogurt.  The person asking the Q is asking if it's best NOT to use probiotics or eat active live cultured foods like yogurt:
Q - 
Does it not follow that we should strive to keep our gut biota load as low as possible to get the most out of our abxi dosing?

Marshall's answer -
"Absolutely. Also, reducing the gut bacteria will reduce the load on the innate immune system there."
NACi 2.4g, Zithi 250mg/MWF, minoi 200mg, Tinii 5day/1g/5 pulses, Valcyte
Supplementsi, CFIDSi/FMSi, Hashimoto's, Psoriasis, PA, IBSi, Sec Addisons
Don't believe everything you think!  
Hello BA88.... there are a couple of things you can try.  First, if you think it is yeast, there is a "self-test" you can try at home (it's been mentioned on this site a few times)
1.  Have a clear glass of water sitting near your bed.  When you wake up in the AM, before drink anything or brush your teeth, spit into the water.
2.  Let it sit for a minute or two .... if you see "trails" of spit going down in the water you possibly have yeast.
There are several OTC holistic options:  1) is the bentonite clay, capryol, and psyllium - see    I was prescribed this by a holistic doctor and I know a couple of others here use this protocol as well.
3.  You could also try a product called Tanilbit.
4.  Whether you are taking antibioticsi or not, it would still be wise to take probiotics, especially if you have yeast :).
I just wanted to gently remind you that the bacteria you have can cause very serious health issues if left untreated.... that's how most of us got to this site.... years of being ill and untreated.
It "sounds" like your doctor is holistically/open-mined but, again, I'd have some concerns re his treatment thoughts since he is in favor of the Marshall Protocol...
Knowledge is self-empowerment!  It is confusing and overwhelming sometimes, though --- that's why this site is here :)
JeanneRoz ~ DXi'd w/ CPNi 4/2007; 6/07 -"officially" dx'd w/CFIDSi/FM; also: HHV6, EBVi, IBSi-C, 100 Doxyi:BIDi; 500 mg Biaxin BIDi; Tindamax Pulses, B12 shots, ERFA Dessicated Thyroid,Cortef, Iodoral 25 mg, Vit D-6,000 uni
Much as it pains me to refer to the Marshal treatment (yes, I deliberately misspelled it to avoid google referrals), let me add one thing the former MPi folks often forget to offer.  That site edits out any negative responders and it flat-out evicts FORMER proponents of the treatment who have moved on and no longer advocate for his treatment.
I am suspicious and not a friend of any person, website or treatment not open to ALL sides of the story.  Those who do not subscribe to the spirit of the First Amendment can take a hike, as far as I'm concerned.
The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems. Mohandas Gandhi
Applause, applause!  Agree, agree!  Except for malicious spammers, we are all equal here.  (Thank you, Jim)
3/9 Symptoms returning. Began 5 abxi protocol 5/9 Rifampin 600, Amox 1000, Doxyi 200, MWF Azith 250, flagyli 1000 daily. Began Sept 04 PPMSi EDSSi 6.7 Now good days EDSS 1 Mind, like parachute, work only when open. Charlie Chan  In for the duration.
Reenie - I am going to load up on some garlic capsules, grape fruit seed extract and some oregano oil capsules and monitor my symptoms to see if there is any die off. I then think I will contact my doctor and confirm this with her. On your good advice (and everyone else) I will continue to take vit D and probiotics.
 jeanneroz - thank you for your comments. Yes my doctor Dr. AW who discovered the low grade infection is open minded but if in doubt of some of his treatments I think I will have to get back to you.
 MacKintosh - point taken!! lol

Thanks again for all your kind comments and will get back to you soon.
Diagnosed with chronic bacterial infection. Borrelia and Cpni.
I think that all that you're doing may only confirm you have some sort of infection, re; die off, but not that it's limited to yeast or candida.
You see, the agents you plan to take are antimicrobial, not specific to yeast.
HERE's a list of supplementsi we use while on CAPi to aid the immunei system's functions and to also help control symptoms of die off.  I don't see Citricidal or GSE on the list but I've had good luck with it and there seems to be good evidence to support its use.    
The Reactions and Remedies page also has alot of good remedies to use for die off and symptoms resulting from it.
NACi 2.4g, Zithi 250mg/MWF, minoi 200mg, Tinii 5day/1g/5 pulses, Valcyte
Supplementsi, CFIDSi/FMSi, Hashimoto's, Psoriasis, PA, IBSi, Sec Addisons
Don't believe everything you think!  
Reenie - thank you, I suppose then it's best just to get on with tackling a suspected Candida problem and the Borrelia and Cpni?
Diagnosed with chronic bacterial infection. Borrelia and Cpni.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Celiac disease- is anti Candida diet the answer

Celiac Disease Symptoms

Depending on the degree of malabsorption, the signs and symptoms of celiac disease vary among individuals, ranging from no symptoms, few or mild signs and symptoms, to many or severe signs and symptoms. There are two categories of signs and symptoms: 1) those due to malabsorption, and 2) those due to malnutrition including vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

1. Signs and symptoms of malabsorption

The three major categories of dietary nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Absorption of all of these nutrients can be reduced in celiac disease; however, fat is the most commonly and severely affected nutrient. Most of the gastrointestinal symptoms and signs of celiac disease are due to the inadequate absorption of fat (fat malabsorption). Gastrointestinal symptoms of fat malabsorption include diarrhea, flatulence (foul-smelling gas), abdominal bloating, and increased amounts of fat in the stool (steatorrhea). The unabsorbed fat is broken down by intestinal bacteria into fatty acids, and these fatty acids promote secretion of water into the intestine, resulting in diarrhea. Fatty stools typically are large in volume, foul smelling, greasy, light tan or light grey in color, and tend to float in the toilet bowl. Oil droplets (undigested fat) also may be seen floating on top of the water.
Loss of intestinal villi also causes malabsorption of carbohydrates, particularly the sugar lactose. Lactose is the primary sugar in milk. Lactose is made up of two smaller sugars, glucose and galactose. In order for lactose to be absorbed from the intestine and into the body, it must first be split into glucose and galactose. They then can be absorbed by the cells lining the small intestine. The enzyme that splits lactose into glucose and galactose is called lactase, and it is located on the surface of the small intestinal villi. In celiac disease, the intestinal villi along with the lactase enzymes on their surface are destroyed, leading to malabsorption of lactose.
Signs and symptoms of malabsorption of lactose are particularly prominent in individuals with celiac disease who have underlying lactose intolerance, a genetically determined reduction in the activity of lactase. Symptoms of lactose malabsorption (diarrhea, excessive flatulence, abdominal pain, and abdominal bloating or distension) occur because unabsorbed lactose passes through the small intestine and into the colon. In the colon, there is a normal bacterium that contains lactase and is able to split the lactose, using the resulting glucose and galactose for its own purposes. Unfortunately, when they split the lactose, the bacteria also release gas (hydrogen and /or methane). A proportion of the gas is expelled and is responsible for the increased flatus (passing gas) that may occur in celiac disease. Increased gas mixed in the stool is responsible for stool floating in the toilet bowl.
Not all of the lactose that reaches the colon is split and used by colonic bacteria. The unsplit lactose that reaches the colon causes water to be drawn into the colon (by osmosis). This promotes diarrhea.

Is Candida misdiagnosed as Celiac Disease

They may have got the cause wrong, but the rest of it is very interesting indeed. Is Candida misdiagnosed as

New York Times - July 20th 2010. Has Candida been under their noses for years

For a Celiac Sufferer, a New Mystery Illness

Jonathan Papernick Jonathan Papernick
The problems began not long after I moved in with my future wife. I was losing weight at an alarming rate, drifting for hours after meals in a confused fog. My acid reflux was so bad I felt like I had a golf ball lodged in my throat. I suffered from otherworldly constipation and had no sex drive. My tongue swelled like a wet sponge. It seemed everything I ate contributed to my misery.
These symptoms weren’t the ones familiar to me from my mid-20s, when I’d learned I had celiac disease. People with celiac can’t tolerate gluten, a protein in wheat found in many foods and everyday products. When I ate gluten, my sides ached and my small intestines felt as if they had been rubbed raw by sandpaper; I felt tremors throughout my body and deep, deep exhaustion. My mother lived with celiac disease for most of her life, and after overcoming years of willful ignorance of my mother’s condition, my health finally improved when I began avoiding wheat and other gluten-containing grains.
Now even gluten-free foods caused my throat to tickle and my head to throb, and I had no idea why. I had painful canker sores all the time. I couldn’t understand how I could have solved one mystery by removing gluten from my diet, only to be baffled by another, more frightening, condition.
My future wife was afraid I was dying and wondered seriously whether I was somehow allergic to her. By the time we were married a year later, several allergists had told me that I had no allergies at all. Gastrointestinal doctors blamed my mysterious affliction on stress. An acupuncturist said my chi was out of whack. I was tested for parasites and came up clean. More than a few friends and family members suggested indelicately that my problems were all in my head, or worse still, that I was simply seeking attention. I couldn’t even look at the skeleton resembling myself in the mirror anymore.
Illness can do strange things to an ordinarily rational mind, and I was desperate to find a solution. A friend told me about a new-age treatment that claimed to resolve undiagnosed health problems. After shelling out several hundred dollars for a consultation, I was informed that my problems were caused by “energy blockages,” disruptions in the normal flow of energy through my body’s electrical circuits. The practitioner said she could permanently cure me simply by treating my pressure points while I held in my hand a vial of charged water containing the same properties as the allergen. Apparently, a minimum of 30 to 40 treatments would be necessary to help me gain back chicken, potatoes, rice, beans and other staples that I had relied on my entire life. For more than six months I paid good money for treatments that did nothing to help me, the practitioner always promising that next time I was due for a breakthrough that would allow me to once again eat my favorite foods. I should have been more skeptical of this miracle cure. But with more and more foods finding their way onto my blacklist, I could not afford cynicism. I needed a miracle and nothing less.
My wife had had enough of my indulgence in expensive, unproven “voodoo” medicine, and she put out a frantic call to her friends and colleagues asking for help. A friend passed along the name of a doctor known to have success with people thought of as incurable — the last resort for many seemingly hopeless cases.
Within minutes of meeting the doctor and explaining my symptoms, he was certain that he had pinpointed the source of all my problems. Yeast.
He took a blood test just to be sure, and as predicted, my yeast levels were off the charts. He explained how Candida albicans, an aggressive sugar-eating yeast that had been colonizing my intestines, is a common concern for celiacs, whose tiny, hair-like villi in their intestines have been flattened and damaged by gluten.
Under normal circumstances, the majority of the human population lives with Candida albicans in their digestive systems without any problems. But I listened with horror as he explained how the roots of the Candida were starting to break through the walls of my intestinal tract, causing a leaky gut through which microscopic bits of food were entering my bloodstream.
I was ordered to cut out all sugar, alcohol, fruit, starch, peanuts and mushrooms and told to eat protein and vegetables with low sugar content. I was allowed kale and collard greens, but carrots and red peppers were off the list. I was taking no less than 12 different supplements, including probiotics and digestive enzymes, to heal my system. My compromised digestive system couldn’t even handle ordinary calcium supplements, and my wife and I sat at our coffee table filling gelatin capsules with white calcium powder. (You can imagine what it looked like to an unknowing visitor.)
The doctor prescribed an antifungal that would work slowly to kill off the unwelcome aggressor. Every time I took the medication, even at the lowest possible dose, I felt like I’d been struck down by the flu as the invading yeasts died off — evidence of how serious my problem was. It would take a long time to reverse the damage that the Candida had done, but I was finally on the right track.
When I didn’t improve as quickly as my doctor expected, he sent a mold remediation specialist out to our apartment to check out our living situation. There was black mold in our closets and on our walls, and the air shaft that was supposed to provide fresh air to three of our rooms was full of pigeon feces and filth. I was shocked to learn that our New York City apartment was slowly killing me.
My doctor explained that others could live perfectly normal lives with this mold, but in my case, with a compromised immune system, the toxic mold was simply piling on a heavily taxed system and adding fuel to the Candida — the literal last straw. We were ordered to clean our walls with hydrogen peroxide and to purchase an industrial-strength air filter with an infrared beam to get rid of the mold. The hydrogen peroxide had little effect, as the tenacious mold seemed to reappear within days.
I slowly reintroduced foods back into my diet, starting with a simple forkful at a time. However, with every slice of potato, mouthful of rice, nibble of chicken, I felt my head throb, my throat tickle. My doctor suggested that we move, and before long, a job opened up in Boston. I packed up and left town — four months ahead of my wife, who still needed to wrap up things with her job.
Within weeks of living in New England, I started to improve, slowly, ever so slowly, and I found the courage to reintroduce foods back into my diet. It took years, not months, as I followed the doctor’s strict diet, which included egg whites and spinach and tuna for breakfast. Eventually, gradually, thankfully I got better.
I have since gained the weight back (and then some) and have started a family. With the increased availability of allergen-free medicines and supplements, and my own hard-learned lessons, I am now able to enjoy life all over again. But I can’t help but wonder how many people with celiac disease have suffered unnecessarily because so many doctors are not prepared to deal effectively with the condition.
liac Disease


Sunday, 2 September 2012

Candida is making us fat NOT food

To All Who Will Listen As This Is Important,

It is NOT food that is making us all fat, its CANDIDA/CANDIDIASIS
which causes obesity, it is a fungal infection that has gone unchecked
since the  1980s, as Doctors deny it existence due to its ANTIBIOTIC
link. It can also be caused by stress and poor diet.

Carefully read the following symptoms, it can invade the blood and
affect all organs. Cancer is apparently the bodys natural defense
against it.

Candida is nearly an epidemic in our society and is responsible for
many of the chronic illness categories we see so frequently.  Candida
symptoms are vast and all encompassing and can even incapacitate the

Most people are unaware that it even exists, because most main stream
doctors are uneducated about its impact on our health.  People
suffering from this condition often go from doctor to doctor for years
and are usually told they are a hypochondriac or that it is stress or
a psychiatric problem, before ever discovering the real culprit.

Candida Albicans is a yeast that occurs naturally in the human body.
Normally it lives in harmony with a variety of other microorganisms
and actually performs a couple important functions.  The problem
occurs when something upsets the balance of bacteria in the body and
this allows the yeast organism to proliferate and take over all the
healthy microorganisms.

It normally resides in the intestinal tract, mouth, throat and
genitals, however it can burrow holes in the intestinal tract, enter
the blood stream and then make it's way into any organ of the body. To
make matters worse it emits over 70 different toxins into the body.
Some people may even become allergic to the yeast itself.

Once this hardy organism proliferates in the body, it wrecks havoc in
many ways and is the initiator of many common maladies, conditions,
syndromes and illnesses in our population.

Some of the most frequent Candida symptoms are:

    abdominal gas and bloating



    excessive fatigue

    cravings for alcohol



    rectal itching

    cravings for sweets

    inability to think clearly or concentrate


    mood swings








    sinus inflammation

    pre-menstrual syndrome


    poor memory

    persistent cough


    low sex drive

    muscle weakness


    learning difficulties

    sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals

    cognitive impairment


    athlete's foot

    sore throat


    acid reflux

    chronic pain

One of the most well known forms of yeast is the vaginal yeast
infection.However, it may play a role in just about any mental health
condition or chronic illness you can think of. Yeast overgrowth is
considered to be a leading contributor in alcoholism, anxiety
disorders, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, addisons disease, mcs -
multiple chemical sensitivities, crohns, autism, cfs - chronic fatigue
syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, pms, endometriosis,fms - fibromyalgia
syndrome, prostatitis, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis,
asthma, food allergies, muscle and joint pain, clinical depression,
repeated urinary tract infections, hormonal imbalances, migraines,
digestive disturbances, difficult menopause psoriasis, lupus, chronic
pain, tourette's, vulvodynia, rheumatoid arthritis and many more.

Men may like to read the Candida symptoms in males section for
additional information about some of the unique aspects that apply to
them, but be sure to return back here for the majority of material is
found here.

The brain is the organ that is most frequently affected by Candida
Symptoms, but it also has profound negative effects on these systems:










Candida symptoms can vary from one person to another and often move
back and forth between systems within the same individual.  One day
you may experience symptoms in the musculoskeletal system and the next
day it could be the digestive system ,etc.

Reducing Candida Symptoms

There are a variety of causes of candida, but the two leading
contributors are a diet high in sugar and refined foods and the
overuse of antibiotics.

First and foremost you want to refrain from taking antibiotics unless
it is absolutely necessary.  Try to find other healthy alternatives to
infections etc., but of course there may be times when it can’t be
avoided.  If you must take an antibiotic for some reason, you should
always be sure to take an acidophilus supplement during the course of
the treatment.  This will help keep healthy bacteria present in your

Taking a good probiotic on a daily basis is one of the best defenses
against yeast overgrowth and it promotes a healthy colon.

The second most important factor in reducing Candida symptoms is to
follow a Candida diet.  A diet high in sugar is a haven for yeast.
It's crucial to  eliminate sugars and refined foods to reduce
overgrowth.  Initially even fruits and high carbohydrate foods may
need to be eliminated and then reintroduced to the diet later as you
get better.  Meat, eggs and low carbohydrate vegetables are what is
best to stick with and a small amount of nuts, seeds and low sugar
fruit. If you need some ideas on what to eat, you may enjoy the
Candida diet recipes page.

Most people with yeast overgrowth are also suffering from nutritional
deficiencies and correcting your deficiencies can help you in your
battle over Candida symptoms.

Some of the most effective and popular natural health approaches used
in the treatment of Candida symptoms include oxygen based products
like food grade hydrogen peroxide, caprylic acid, oregano oil, garlic,
taheebo tea, grapefruit seed extract and colloidal silver.
Prescription based antifungals like Nystatin, Diflucan or Nizoral may
be obtained by a physician, but carry a few risks.

It is also essential to keep your home environment healthy and
not-toxic.  Chemicals weaken the immune system and if the immune
system is weak this also allows the yeast to proliferate.  So keeping
your home chemical free by using non-toxic and natural cleaning
supplies, personal care products etc. will help your body stay

A good holistic Candida cleanse is the most powerful way to relieve
symptoms and improve your health.